<June 17, 2001>
Stephen is silly.
"Pandora," 8.5" x 11" Pen & ink on paper. A soldier of another place and another time, her name is pandora, and she is a mercenary. She stands watch high in the trees of an embattled forest, awaiting the next attack%85..I did this many years ago (1994), this was a friends character, in a little RP game called %93Justifiers,%94 I do so love that game, it was mean, dark, unhappy, and was semi-anthro.
Kineta standing by the shore. I did this with painter and photoshop, but mostly painter for the inks and background.
Zaush takes one last look out on the plains before he goes into his cave to rest for the night. It was inspired by a sketch done by my girlfriend. (thank you! ^^#) Done with painter-watercolor and touched up a tad in photoshop.
<June 17, 2001>