<June 16, 2001>
drew this one about 3 days ago, but was unable to color it since i had finals to study fo x__X i'm having a bit of artist's block, and this is the only decent thing i've done in a while. Basalt and her boyfriend (who is as of now nameless) © niki foley and all that crap.
basi and a lollypop listening to music. inspired by looking at art online all day lol ^__^ yeah Basi's mine as always.
"Slackers Have All The Fun" - Yes. Why should skaters and ravers have all the fun during summer. I can have fun, I just don't feel like it. I am lacking Ryan, a job, enthusiasm, confidence, a car, and my orange bandana. Chris, give it back, you freak.
This one's a visual haiku: 'nature and mankind / both fitting subjects for the / enlightened canvas'. Micah and Samanthia in furisode kimono themed on nature (undersea) and mankind's works (cranes building skyrises) in front of a shrine to nature (clouds and cliff) and mankind (airplace in the sky, near Samanthia's face).
This is pic #1 of a two-pic commission for a friend of mine.... See the desc for #2.
This is pic #2 of a two-pic commission for a friend of mine. Had to really work my butt off to get these finished before I leave, let me tell you! Ah well. Character © Stuart Asher, artwork © me.
What's the matter? You never seen a left-handed guitar before? ;) Pay no attention to the lack of tuning pegs... it was late at night and I was listening to insane music, okay? Sheesh.
Lookie! Here's the colored version of an older pic, in case anybody else remembers... Devon has the original, lucky guy! ;D Twapska and Xe are © me.
Andwyn, this time in her full lupine form. I used a different technique for this, using the pencil tool instead of the airbrush to shade with in photoshop, which is why it's somewhat blotchy-looking. I dunno who the bones belong to.
<June 16, 2001>