<May 30, 2001>
HollyAnn! She's been such a sweetheart from the first day I met her, so this is sort of a thank-you pic. (Actually, she had started it by unexpectadly emailing me a while ago with a pic she drew of Xian! 0_o). So here's her character...with wings. Ok, she normally doesn't have them, but I couldn't resist. This is Marker and colored pencil..I tried to avoid outlining anything in ink, and let shadow and color define shape.
Just a nice "After School" snapshot pic, don't remember whose these characters are *shrugs* was a commish after all ....*as Capcom's Nemesis* Buargh... Ooohhg... Need to play... something, anything. Think ya should know who drew this, ne?
Kaellan, some warrior feline who i got paid to draw >.<%A1 . Upload worthy hai =)
Well, my first collage. Pics done by Ko-sama and me. aaaand... yah, pic © to both of us
This is my character Tristan. I drew this completely on the computer. :) originally he was standing in front of the new London theater...But, I liked the posters on the wall better. Tristan co. me 2001.
This would be an UT injoke about a little spider bomb that followed me for ten full minutes... Then I went boom o.O;; This is my take on the joke. :)
"Phoenix in the Heavenly Pool" Illustration for Jadeclaw, © 2001 Sanguine Productions, Ltd., used with permission. Technical pens and pencil on sketchpad. 30 May 2001
"Qian the Qi-Ling Addresses the Animal Spirits" Illustration for Jadeclaw, © 2001 Sanguine Productions, Ltd., used with permission. Technical pens and pencil on sketchpad. 30 May 2001
<May 30, 2001>