<April 27, 2001>
Yay, prints for sale! (finally) This is a scan of one of the prints; they're all fancy and on white cardstock, none of that "I made it at 200dpi on my color inkjet" nonsense. E-mail or see my webpage.
Nameless theropod of doom restored as a glider. See more of the little doofus at Behold my crappy excuse for a background.
Aun Raksa, the fanged dog deity. His tiny friend there's Sushulu, The Errand-Fish. It's NOT going to get sacrificed. As warped as it may sound now, Raksa's job is to protect all cutesy little creatures smaller than a shoebox. Ahaha. Carolyn's original crazy chars, please leave 'em be to call my own.
I think that this picture would have been better off without a backround.
So that's it. I'm outta here. I'm on my way north to a land where there are places that roads can't take you, a land where Nature is as much a part of everyday life as is breathing. I'm off to dance with the wolves, to walk under skies that don't know the lo-glo of city lights, to find again a meaning for things that at one time needed no explanation.
I tried. I really tried to make it work in an industry, in a town, and in a "loving partnership," if you could call it that. But how can you make it work when your only purpose is to be used, feared, taken advantage of, exploited, and in the loss of your dreams make someone else feel as if they have some small merit of power. Fare well. But know that my leaving isn't for not having tried.
I was also going to use this guy in the picture for the competition. ah well
I haven't uploaded, I've been rather busy. But I put all other things aside for this week to work on this project. This is the beginnings of it, but now I can't enter the competition so I have nothing to do the rest of it for. :(
<April 27, 2001>