<January 30, 2001>
Just a small sketchy done to fiddle with my tablet a bit. 'Tis a head shot of Steve in his sunglasses and leather is a cool color! ;P
Candy's Heart. one of five pieces for FC2001's art show. This was a quick color job in Photoshop. Candy Coon and R.T. Dodger are two of my fursuit characters.
Candy's Heart. one of five pieces for FC2001's art show. This was a FINAL color job with prismacolor markers and colored pencils for hilights. Candy Coon and R.T. Dodger are two of my fursuit characters.
Fraidywolf. A bluish wolf perches atop a footstool, scared of his own shadow during a thunderstorm. Two of five pieces for the FC2001 art show.
This is the badge design I did for one of the random blanks for FURther CONfusion 2000. Official explanation was that Kepler (left) and Horatio Aardwolf (of the Aardwolf Agency comic project that's been lying dormant for years) are Y2K troubleshooters, and their methods are somewhat.. unusual.
This is the badge design I did for one of the random blanks for FURther CONfusion 2001. Brian Reynolds started this running gag with the ferrets for FC2K1, and this sorta fit the theme. Apparently ferrets like raisins.
One of the pieces I had up in the FC artshow titled "Racking Up Travel Miles" :P It's a followup piece to my Frequent Flyers pic. Crummy scanner.
Rad! One of the more popular characters in Campus Safari in an SD form for the wallpaper that'll be up for her. :) Just a cute little Utahraptor.
"Cyprian, Mage of the Sphere of Mind" - An Eeee (bat-morph) mentalist from a certain role-playing MUCK. Background designs inspired by an Art Nouveau clip art book. Cyprian © May Wasserman; used with permission. Pen, brush, colored pencils, computer "airbrush" touch-up. (30 Jan 2001)
use Schmuckers brand Peroxide.
cliche stuffs.
Jezzebel the bat, spending some quality time on the beach. Totally messed up on the wingribs, but you get the idea. Might do somethin with this later, I'll see...
"Hiemis Nox" - an experiment in black and white only; no shading, no color. This is my idea of the spirit of winter. Hiemis nox, if I am remembering my Latin correctly, means 'night of winter'. Any questions about her 'dress'...well, she's a spirit. It's meant to look that way. This is pretty much the final version of this picture, and I will probably be making others to represent the other seasons. :)
Just playing around with the drawing tablet on one of the computers at school. Made a horse. This is...maybe a year, year and a half old?
Hiemis Nox is for Winter. I think I'll make Spring into a male lion. Here's his head, possibly.
<January 30, 2001>