<January 21, 2001>
This one is from last year, showing my input for the EuroFurence 6 Shirt Contest. I thought she would make a nice start for my drawing input here. Oh, and ...better be nice to her, or you might end up just like that poor balloon in there! ;) Trixie is © me, 1999/2001
"Before Sunday" -- Rotting unmasked, back before he had no soul. Made with ink and color pencils on Bristol. Image and characters (Taksy Durmist, Rotting Weiler) © Jennifer Rodriguez 2001
"Lizzie Borden" - I watch too much TV
Finished badge fer Francisco.
Look, Eggie! More skunks! Holiday picture (original) for John Cornetto. (Sorry I've not been around much on IRC. My computer wants to commit suicide.)
Finished badge for Xodiac.
Finished badge for Chris Cammack. The sadistic hacker-esc coon version of Zot.
Welcome SewerRat! Pick up your present, but be careful of not being picked up by it! :)
Being single sometimes can really suck. Here's a pic of Tamar contemplating this fact. For those of you who have someone special, count your blessings and don't screw it up. Tamar copyright me and if you steal him you steal me and that wouldn't be a smart thing. 2001
Icefox- coz she's damn cool. Yesterday she and I wreaked havoc on the LA area- perusing animation galleries and comic stores alike ^^
A lop-eared bunny girl on skates, inked in Photoshop. Hopefully, this'll be replaced with a colored version sometime soon.
Shay, a Cyantian Raiey in her finalized design... oooh, I REALLY like this one, as it's the first thing I've actually 'inked' on the computer. Shay's one of three aquatics, the others being Craihs and Neefla. *She's also the smallest, no more than four foot tall.*
"Duamutef: Look For the Little Jackal Head as Your Sign of Freshness!" - lesser known Egyptian god, one of the four Sons of Horus, who were charged with protecting the viscera (in this case, the stomach); ink & brush on bristol, colored and textured in Painter Classic and Macromedia XRes; used as a component in a poster to advertise a 1930s-era Deadlands RPG session I ran at Necronomicon. (People kept swiping my posters! ;D ) (21 Oct 2000)
<January 21, 2001>