<January 7, 2001>
"Clougrad" (Pencil) A dinosaur looking thing. © Jennifer Rodriguez 2001
An... incident that happened while I was talking to Jen and Cindy. This is Tora. And she's uppidy. Tora © Jen Sabado 2000
An Orcashire Hippocampus. I got this idea talking to Chaos, the largest of the Horse breeds combined with the largest of the Dolphins. By the way, I love these friendly Yerf art wars, keep it up. You all are doing a great job.
A picture for my sample page. Yola, bottom left, kira bottom right, chewtoy top right and Batty I can't post here anymore. Hummmm I wounder why I didn't put pick in this picture? Now that I think of it I don't have any pics of Dewi my mouse character on my archive at all. Its also odd that all my 3 females only have 4 letter names. And why am I rambling on like this?
Could the Pepto craze go this far?
This Stoneth portrait is actually a spoof of two things. The first and obvious one is The Matrix. The second is an old Super Nintendo game called "Blastris" which is a Super Scope version of Tetris in which you had to shoot the pieces to get them to fit. Thus I give you, "The Blastrix". Cool, ne?
The first marker piece I ever completed, this one done on marker paper. The background was painted digitally, 'cause there was no way I'd have been able to do that with markers.
This is a cute picture of two of my personal furries. it's done with winsor newton inks and water color.
A picture of pipix all decked out in currency. it's a color pencil and ink drawing pasted on a piece of birthday package wrapping paper. Happy St. Patricks day green!!!
A picture of Pyxis (© Jennifer Brown 1999, Do NOT COPY HER IN ANY WAY!..NO FAN FICS OR PARADIES PLEASE), blue bird and a tribal squirrle (these guys are random..feel free to borrow them. :) )in a traditonal cheshirian village. a color pencil / winsor newton brush ink / water color/ acylic paint. painting originally 11x17.
"Oh, honey, I'm not a rogue lion - I'm a ROUGE lion!" This is dedicated to anyone who knows how to spell and has ever been on any African-themed muck :)
Alas, Tim Horton's has corrupted some of us. O__o' ..Then again I've heard them called Robin's eggs before too...Timbits sounds better though *nods*
<January 7, 2001>