<January 6, 2001>
Two Birds with one stone. Well the "bird" is not the target. Anyway. Jonas, remind me to kill you later. Well if you have cops and Donuts on the same page, they are bound to meet. Characters owned by their respective creators. Pencil on Paper. Scott Ruggels 1 / 2001
Panel from "Nezumi Manga" - a project for my Japanese class, and a story for Mice #3. It's in English 'cause I haven't finished the translations yet. Although I do know eggplant is "nasu".
Mark this date. 06/01/01 is the birth of a new character. Yola. An otter, Pickalock's sister in fact. Shes going sailing and would like Pick to come to. Yola and Pickalock are Canadian and both my characters. Canada, great country just a shame the money sucks.
XianJaguar and I are in the front while Eriden and Blizzard get cozy in the back. My first car pic ..wipes tear..
Hey! I'm alive! Here's a watercolor pic of Flame (who will eventually have her name changed, once I think of a better one...). It looks a lot better IRL, the scan sort of messed up the shading and whatnot, but you can at least get an idea of what it looks like. I'd add a background, but I gave this away for Christmas, so it's a little too late.
Xe doesn't usually scream when he's singing, but he's sort of doing an impression, and those aren't his pants. They're not my pants, either. In fact, I have no freakin' idea whose pants they are. Proof that there are certain songs which you should not listen to late at night...
Heh, I kind of made an inadvertent funny with the filename, heh heh.. Ahem. Snitter in prismacolors, done when I was in a really good mood and I didn't even have to try very hard to stop myself from yelling obcensities when the leads kept crumbling... Snitter is © me.
I love drawing on black paper, only it doesn't scan very well. Twap the insomniac is © me.
This is the very last thing I drew in 2000. Dont' get all technical, just have fun. Jump over that nicely textured amplifier if you feel like it. Yeah. Twapska © me.
If anybody out there can tell from this sketch what cd I just got, then you are cool. I dunno if this is considered copying somebody else's work or not, since all I did was draw Twap in these poses because I thought it was cool... Well, anyway.
Looky! Doo's sleep-deprived again! o8-D
<January 6, 2001>