<November 3, 2000>
Ah, a day after my birthday and a little bit heavier. Here's a sample of one of my contributions to Eric Schwartz's Sabrina Online collection 3 comic. I don't think any words are needed. Boy I hate babysitting (not that I dislike the one being babysat). Tamar and Zaiah copyright me, Sabrina and Tabby copyright E.W.Schwartz 2000
The water ferret asks his grandpappy why his newfound friend looks different. "It's obvious. He's a freak of nature. He's still an otter.. just funny-lookin'." And where'd he get that pipe from? He jacked it from Ariel when she wasn't looking. The old coot was quite a klepto in his young days.
a sticker commission for Brix. Also my second brush inking piece. Ruggels? Any thoughts?
A requested pic of a suspiciously furcadian-looking dog girl... Hope she likes it! Art © me, Character © herself (Okay, so I'm a slacker. I can't remember the name, all right?)
My half of an art trade with Courtney Lee, of her niftynifty character Moritz. Ooh, isn't he a cute liddle puppy? Amazingly, this is only the third draft. I think I'll quite while I'm ahead. Moritz © Courtney Lee.
I decided it was time I drew MY bass, instead of some generic-looking thing. Um, the color of the bass isn't quite right, but then, it wouldn't be. The real thing is white with rather ambiguous blotches of color, and it's also sparkle-y and bumpy. Alex thinks it's incredibly gay, but everybody else says it's perty, so there. And just be glad I DIDN'T try to draw the strings (note to self: next time, try to get the proportions right.) Twap © me
<November 3, 2000>