<November 2, 2000>
The story is that I showed this picture to John K., and he just looked at me and said, "You're not one of those BAD ARTISTS, are ya?" Don't believe a word of it, though, it's all urban legend.
A fox named Mouse. o.o Make sense? No? Good. ;) Practicing with more prismacolor techniques... I need work. <:/ Ah well... >_> I like how this pic gets progressively worse as you scroll down. :) Lovely! Mouse(C) me. o.o
He's got something in his eye.. and he also looks like a ferret? o.o It's a water ferret! Bobbling along in the water.. with something in his eye.. well, with eyes that big it's no wonder.
for sale on FurBid, this chocolate bunny
Grizzly Assault #1, enjoy. All characters within are © me.
A new pic of Gulo, friends and all the baddies out to beat him up for whatever reason. Still no solid story line for these guys, they're just so fun to draw I decided to do an updated pic. Hystrix, Arvican, Castor, Mefita, Ludo, Atilax, Zapas, Lotor, Talpa, Petaur, Diazi, Sorex, Taphoz, Mestella, Galago, Gulo, Colocolo, and Rixo are (puff puff) © me. (passes out)
Some quick sketches of Erin with various expressions... Erin is a perfect example of what happens when you listen to too much MxPx. Erin © me.
<November 2, 2000>