<October 27, 2000>
Yep, just like Gene said, he and I traded these images over e-mail last year roundabout this time. Now that the human ban is lifted, it seems like the season to share 'em here on Yerf. Larry The Were (C) Albert Temple, Joe Violence & Artwork (C) B.J. Johnson
When Gene sent me the first image as a one liner, I got a real charge out of it, and it kinda set the wheels in my head to turnin'. The character of a werewolf trying to work off his curse as honest as he could manage appealed to me, and this little two parter grew out of it. Little did I know Gene was gonna up the ante a little bit the next time around... Larry The Were (C) Albert Temple, Joe Violence & Artwork (C) B.J. Johnson
Did this one for local artist who does anime that I just drool over and wish I could do. This was my attempt of needs work.
A drawing I did for my rl friend Bluewolfe when she was feeling down.
This one started off with the fox and then the background just kinda flowed with it. She is some kind of sorceress.
Another co worker I did a picture for this one is Tracy.
Yay! I actually sold a pic at Anime Weekend Atlanta, so I'm once again under the delusion of being an artist. Expect much, much more Guardians fanart in the future. Vinci and Artisan are the creation of Ryan D and Candy L.
This is the first pic in a story I did two years ago (to the day!) with Barclay Johnson. At that time I was just learning to get good at drawing humans (and to this day B.J's characters are the ones I have the best luck with) and even so, the no-humans policy was in effect. Hopefully now it'll make for a nice Hallowe'en touch. <:)
<October 27, 2000>