<October 23, 2000>
"Taksy Durmist & Chellow" - And you thought he was just a one stand char ... Here's a more realistic and less scary Tax with one of his artistic creations ... graphite loves me ... the poses leave much to be desired x.x *boring* ... gnar ... stupid pinups ... and yes, the previous red hair was a wig ... etcetcetc ... Sadistic drag queen and bird reptile ... thing © me 2000
"Apollo was mad at us that day, so we practiced being a wanna-be ska band w/out drums. We also learned that a kazoo is a poor substitute for actual horns. (Especially if Snitter blows into the wrong end. Turn it around, dear. There ya go.) Yeah." Chars © me.
This actually happened a couple weeks ago. Me and Alex were the only people who showed up at the Hardhat Cafe, so we got to request lots of FIF and be all hyper and rowdy and jump on the couches and knock over ALL the chairs. (we picked them up, of course.)
Erin is a skankin' fool! She listens to too much FIF! Go Erin!!! Erin Ruadh, who wishes she was singing "oh, oh, oh" all night long, © me
Well, since this is the 142nd image, I was going to upload a new pho-to of myself, but I didn't have any good recent ones. So I drew Twap wearing my closthes instead. Eeg. I just now realized how awful those shoes look. Stupid skateboard shoes, anyway. My mom made me get them. That is why I have no more money for CDs. (that and the stupid hedgehog!!!) Twapska "Don't call me Twapskanka!" © me. In fact, she IS me, so it doesn't matter.
A cool image that I'm going to put on my characters page for the comic strip. This is actually the second version. In the original they were all segregated by height, and Erin and Apollo looked like siamese twins. Snitter and Xe looked better in the first one, tho'. Oh well.
<October 23, 2000>