<September 24, 2000>
I'm not very good at all this angsty-artist stuff.
Once in a while, you draw a pic and get surprised at the results. This picture, that I drew in very little time, is one of these. I loved everything on it, from the expression of happines from Alice (the otter over the pegicorn) till the perspective and the distribution of shapes and figures on it. What do you think? :) Alice Otter, Century, Caliban, BlackDragon and FFerret are © their creators and are used under permission.
Quick sketch. I just keep reminding myself that it was easier to cut it off than watch it fall out.
A sketch I did as a surprise gift for my husband. Awww...mush...
Another quick cartoon. The hardest part of life drawing is not so much getting an acurate depiction, it's getting one before the subject moves away. Oh well, there's always modern art... Inspired by my husband sketching while we were out one night.
Speaking of which, a life drawing gone weird . . . I love ferrets, but my cat would never get along with one. If I had to give this a title, it would be "Ferret's Revenge".
If you think the name "love bug" is endearing, you've obviously never lived in Florida. A quick cartoon of Gwendel doing one of my favorite pastimes, squishing the little critters. . . although I think adding Megan Kelly changed the whole thing. It seemed germain at the time...
Kai Robinson, all-purpose ferret. (And a convenient excuse to wing sundry inking/coloring techniques in Photoshop.)
See, I can do backgrounds ^^ I just stink at them. Anyhow, this be an old role play character, Kirsch, the Kaihn =) He's a moody little guy, and a bit unlucky too for the most part. Yea..Ever surprise yourself with an end result picture? I did with this one. The background is entirely from my mind with colors plunked down...turned out not too bad me thinks. Also i spent about 11 hours, start to finish, on this..most time i've spent on a hand done pictures ^^ ...Kaihn © to Charla Trotman.
A little Kitty pic I did to 'celebrate' my finishing of a very long and very exhausting project. You know what kind of state of mind I'm in, if I stay awake to finish a drawing DESCRIBING how tired I am, rather than actually go to sleep. I haven't drawn Kitty in a while but somehow she worked best for this. I cropped the image a bit, the pic is a little bigger and includes a little sign that says "Disturb and DIE!" with a small arrow pointing to Kitty.
<September 24, 2000>