<September 22, 2000>
Oooo fun with Photoshop! I jus doodled her up to practice my colorin' skills, but I kinda like her design, so perhaps I'll keep her around for somethin.. ;)
Did this one awhile back, she's a rehash of a char I came up with in 8th grade. Ah those're the days.. ;) Anywho, fun with colored pencils yay! ;) © moi of cerse
Awww, tis my fave lil cutpurse, Talia. She an' Arwin hang out somethimes. Charcoal pencils are niiice... Talia © moi, too
It's well known that Caitians are members of the Federation, but how often do you see one? Here's my first try at drawing a Caitian Starfleet officer in a ST-DS9 style uniform (slightly modified). I liked the way she came out except for the muzzle which I thought was a bit large.
This island dwelling squirrel is coming to join a beach party in progress. Drawn for Spontoon Island a few months ago.
It might be, it could be, IT IS! HOLY COW!! I finally uploaded another pic. RL work has keep me RL busy, but I have finally managed to color this pic, working on teaching myself Photoshop. This is a pic of Artica Lagopus's parents (still working on their names.) And I've actually penciled another Ebony Tales so its coming soon. (Lagopuses copyright Shawntae Howard 2000)
Another request pic from the fine Federation fur Fetch of the Marine OIC aboard his vessel. ( © Larry Henderson)
<September 22, 2000>