<September 15, 2000>
"an angel", apfel. sketched, inked, and colored with my intuos. the wings look like crap : P apfel © dana copes.
Trying different inking treatments for Asheru. to see how they work. I'll probably try other different types. different inking styles. G pen on recycled paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 9 / 2000
As a public service to the new members of YERF, Asheru here displays a chart showing the proper method of wrapping "Puttees" or "spiral leg Wraps". Asheru is mine, but the images come from a Japanese Military Manual. She thanks you for your attention. G-pen on recycled paper. Scott Ruggels 9 / 2000
Hey there! Sorry it's been so long, but I've just got everything together at school. I just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome, Yerfers are a friendly bunch! ;) This is an older pic I did for my schmoopie poo Candy (Arwin © her, of cerse!) I jus loooove Mucha don' you? fun fun!
Erm...I'm not sure what he is actually...his name is Dido, and he has a sister, thats all I've got so far. Ah random furriness! © moi moi
More randomness, be very afraid..jus tryin to get to know my new drawin' tablet. Mikey likes it! Hey Mikey!
Boredom + mouse + PShop = Weird ghost-like wolfy this one!! And for all those people out there who have tablets and could do somthin' like this in 5 seconds....*glares* LOL ;)
A work in progress, one which needs a background, is of Nighty in anthro form, probably the way I will keep her. This hasta be my fave piccy of her...really characterizes her well. Kinda had to cut it off to be Yerfable, but if ya wanna see the full version, it's at Nighty © me...blah blah...
Crappy ink doodle. I don't know why I did it... yes, I used Microns on this, I'm starting to brush ink now though (actually I'm using a 5 year old dried-out Prismacolour marker dipped in ink...) Pez Wolf is © himself.
More lost skunks for Loran. Methinks I like how the lady at the desk looks. They are both cleaned up and need to be inked. ::PROCRASTINATES::
And here is the cover for my book of short stories, Alysha's Fall ( Check it out at I wasn't originally planning to do the cover art, but the publisher told me in no uncertain terms that I was doing it, like it or not. I think it came out pretty well, considering I was extremely nervous, and limited to black, white and one other color. . . .
A commission piece for Reto Roth of his characters Shamira and Jasmine. Drawn with Ink, Prisma Markers, Karisma Coloured Pencils, and a little Gouache.
<September 15, 2000>