<September 3, 2000>
Rocky is a cuddly 'coon from Texas who always has a time for his friends, and Artie Roo is one of them. A few days ago, he met Artie in his home at FM and used an airbrush to add Artie a racoon mask and some rings on his tail. He converted Artie in a somewhat odd racoon, although he has to teach him how to chiiiiiiiiirrr properly. <:) Rocky is © M. Jackson
Blessed be the radical dreamers. (Limited colour scheme. Katlin © E. Smith)
Eriden GrayFox of FurryMuck in his Arctic Fox Angel form.
A commission for Kitsune the fox. Sorry I couldn't e-mail ya back Kitsune, it wouldn't go through. In case you are wondering, the Japanese character in the corner is "Naomi" (It means true, natural, beautiful)
<September 3, 2000>