<September 2, 2000>
Where's the EPL?
Here ya go, C. *grin* (Sam is © Cara Mitten)
One of those things, this time a male with elecrtic blue markings. I'm thinking of making a story... Blue-striped guy © me.
The cast of "Untitled!" doing their take on a pose from the inside art of the "Chagall Guevara" album. Erin as Steve Taylor? Who'd a thunk it?
Um, yeah. Actually, I was thinking it might be interesting to do a week's worth of the comic in this style... Egyptian versions of Snitter, Erin, and Twap (don't ask me what happened to her fur to make it white) are © me.
Somethings in life are very painful, indeed. Twap is © me.
I felt the need to reaffirm my roots. Actually, I was just having a really crappy day and I needed a little love. Ferey is one of my heroes, I think. Twap and Ferey © me.
An earlier sketch I did of myself. I love how I did the head shot, and the body shot (to the left), and it looks like an ill-proportioned body with an abnormally large head. I like the mouth i slapped on her there. (I'm going to now take the libery to explain that panskuff.jpg IS giger influenced. The desc of the uncencored pic on my site says so. I just did'nt for the yerf archive one.) art is Copyright © 98-2000 Briona Campbell
<September 2, 2000>