<August 9, 2000>
Here's Scarlet's rival for the affections of Red, Artica. She was the second picture I did in photoshop. I liked how the effects on the snowflakes came out. Artica is copyright Shawntae Howard 2000
It's Scarlet's little Sister Erica "Foxy" Starfox. She was my third attempt and I liked the way the shadows came out. Erica is copyright Shawntae Howard 2000.
Here's Scarlet, while originally a memember aboard the Solarfox, now a member of Extinctioners. I liked how I managed to get the transparent look on the glasses. Scarlet copyright Shawntae Howard 2000.
Sylvester "Sly" Greytail, the last of my most resent photoshop attempts. He's Red's younger cousin. Sly copyright Shawntae Howard 2000.
Here's the total complete picture. I'm thinking of using it as a banner for the SolarFox page that will be constructed soon. Solarfoxes are Copyright Shawntae Howard 2000.
It happens. 11x14 colored pencil. heh, well, I suppose some explanation is in order since this is probably my most bizarre picture to date. When I draw, I usually try to achieve a sense of dignity and beauty in my pictures. This, however, was not one of those times ;) About half way through, I still had not decided what was supposed to be chasing the foxy family and had just about stopped caring [I was getting sloppy] so I broke down and decided to use my sisters idea of mutated vegetables. Lol, she seems to like it, even if I think its ridiculous.
^_^ Zud donning his mallet and mini hard-hat, This was my announcement picture. I like this, I'm using a new slightly different technique. anyway, later! :)
Commission of a black hippogriff.
Cartoon purple dragon.
Undertow is a strange...strange man.... Take good care of them dude ^^ We belong to ourselves
<August 9, 2000>