<June 28, 2000>
"Erased Charcoal" project of a crow
10-min doodle on scrachtboard couldn't be SuperCrazzy, now could it? :)
I loved the Cell Vinyal projects in art class! his was one of cells I did. I didn't draw the background, tho...just so you kno. PS: pic taken with a digicam, like the rest of 'em uploaded today.
Artist's block isn't just bad for drawing, but for coloring to boot. Completed at last, almost two months after inking, is _Therizinosaurus cheloniformis_. I think I have a new favorite dinosaur. Don't fear the reaper!
*whew!* Just finished moving house, I'm seriously glad that's over and done with! It's exhausting. All well, at least I'm not living on a street swarming with larger louts and thugs and vandals anymore. Anyway, one of the things I've never been happy with in my drawing style was ears, I always felt they lacked expressiveness. After seeing how Millie was reinvented in David Simpson's strip, I decided to try updating Becky's ears too. I don't think it came off yet but I'm still working on it. © me.
This filename truncrating business leads to some really weird filenames coming out! An early sketch of an as of yet unnamed male ferret knight I'm working on, hopefully to star opposite Mirandus in a story at some point. I imagine this design is going to change drasticly, as he looks way too much like Marble for my tastes just now. Not that there's anything WRONG with that of course, but I'm drawing my own characters here, not Scotty's. Exoect to see more of him as he develops. © me.
School's finally over... eesh. I kinda wish I was still there, I've only been home for a day and my family is already driving my blood pressure up to senior citizen levels. Anyway, here's my stab at the school's annual mug design competition. The discolory yellow is supposed to be the neon shade of a highlighter- it didn't win. ;P Ah well.
A special request for some special furs. :) I tried a couple of new techniques on my rendition of the lovely Littlekitty. It came out very well. ^_^
Ok, I think I've learned my lesson. Next time I do a color comic, I'm going animation style for coloration. :P In any case, another panel from Shivae! featuring .. a creature that is NOT a shivae.
Silk *Cilke* of Campus Safari! *Well, a prequel version of her.* I'm VERY happy with this. It's an experiment using those see through page protectors and a permanent sharpie, bahahaha... *Only because I wanted to try something new and couldn't afford transparencies and the like.* EXPERIMENT with it. It's GREAT!
"The Victor"- A fight to the death ends in victory for Saulus, at least for now! 2000- Ocicat Studios
<June 28, 2000>