<May 27, 2000>
ginger and kiwi. ginger and kiwi © anya schwartz and mike araya.
Remember Jezebel? This is her as a kid. Yep. And she painted on the wall behind her. Innocent looking little girl, ain't she? Colours and inks done by mah darling. © Katharine Crowell 2000. You steal, MariCarmen here shall pull out your spleen. Oo, spleendeath.
I drew up this Sketch of a Leopard gecko, for my husband's site that he will be putting up. Inspired by our 23+ Leopard geckos and Fat-tail geckos that we own and breed. These are my favorite Reptiles. I'll possibly be coloring a picture simular to this, for the site.
Brak- it didn't turn out as well as the prelimenary sketch and the visualization in my head was. Oh well- I tried to duplicate Fox's complicated design ( Have you ever tried it before? It's hard to get Tracy's style on Fox ) but he turned out better than I think Cassy did. Oh well- this picture helped to feed my hunger of not having drawn in months. Chars © to Tracy Butler, of course!! :))
Another old picture I was going to put on my webpage, but instead sat around waiting to be colored.It came out so nice I wish now I had finished it a long time ago.
If you promise not to ask I'll promise to spare you the explaination.... An old idea I wasted way to much time on.
Last week my husband and I went to a Polynesian restaurant for our anniversary. I doodled this picture of the waterfall in the lobby while waiting for our reservation time.
Rodent with one wicked hairdoo!! YAEH! I'm pretty sure it's a guinea pig, © me
"Blood, my love, my soul mixed in with you, the life I now live you, new wine...The meld, the mix, the Blue Shifting Power, the word to the letter, I breath you in...." Ever feel like you're totally empty and you wish everything would just fade away?... Lyrics © Fold Zandura
I've been feeling this way most of the week...
If only instead of falling asleep I could fall awake... Twap © me
<May 27, 2000>