<May 26, 2000>
Was looking at my degus one day, and wondered what they'd look like as, well I tried.
Commission for Scott Alston, Mai Ling is to © him ^^
Sandy and her mother. Drawn and colored on sketch paper, wont do that again..nope. © me.
Hmmm...I dunno. A rat lady.
Holy Cat's Meow, Batman!!! I never knew that making a minor mistype at 5 am in the morning in your drawing description could make you the anti-Christ!! Oh, thank you to all the "kind" fanatics that emailed me with news of my sin and saved me from the fiery pits of hell!! Thank you for helping me to save my soul before it was too late!!!!! Silabub/Jemima © to ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER ( happy? ) and sarcasm © to me.
<May 26, 2000>