<April 17, 2000>
A badger. Someone requested this way back when, and I drew it way back when, and it's been sitting around ever since. Here it is, folks.Badger. Yup.
Quickie li'l color sketch, maybe for the Cecilia comic.(probably out late summer, most likely). Prismacolors, blender, etc. Note rapid deterioration of any formerly-existent pencil skills. :P
Otter, by request several weeks or so back. Drawn with my Trias, all three of 'em delightfully blue.
Muffin in space, with a Space Blaster or something. From October (this is Upload Old Art Day for me, or somethin'.) I like this picture...someday I had ought to color it.
The first assignment for my Walt Disney class (Yup, Walt Disney... we watch a film every Thursday, and attend a lecture given by some eccentric white-haired art historian every Tuesday. He reminds me of Doc Brown from Back To The Future. o.o)is to doodle a storyboard. The cat is called Jeremy.
Here's the second part to the storyboard. Originally I was going to have the lady bring back saltines or something equally untasteful to a cat, but I've had enough of the coyote not catching the roadrunner, or that confounded Tweety getting the best of Sylvester. Hey, who misses Tom and Jerry? :D
Awwww, lookit them playing! o(-)
<April 17, 2000>