<April 16, 2000>
A piccie of my HoneyBadger character, licking her fang. People seem to like her teeth for some reason. :D
"Fursuit" Since We're allowed one real life pic on YERF, I might as well use this one- Did I mention I'm a fursuiter? © Ocelot Studios-2000
Part of a trade with another artist, a pic of his character, Gryphon. (It took me a long time to draw!) Gryphon is © his creator.
Head shot of a mara. Lesson learned: Don't try to wipe away eraser crumbs when there's wet ink on the page.
A non-anthro Patagonian Mara dude. I think the scan made it darker than it actually is. I dunno why, but I think Maras are cool.
Limpidity #385: Our Yearly Taxtime Special
Limpidity #386: Our Yearly Taxtime Special
Limpidity #387: Our Yearly Taxtime Special
"Fursuit" Since We're allowed one real life pic on YERF, I might as well use this one- Did I mention I'm a fursuiter? © Ocelot Studios-2000
"Wolf Pose In Yellow" Something a bit different from me for the time being. © Ocelot Studios-2000
<April 16, 2000>