<April 12, 2000>
Sketchbook Fehnnik. Ink and watercolor about 6" high. From a color copy provided by the sketchbook owner. I very much appreciate the practice of sketchbook owners making copies for me of the work I put in them and regret that I have not documented many of my earlier pieces that way.
This is Liila. She's a good friend of Geibriian, and very good with a sword. Liila © her player.
A coy rabbit-ish critter with unusual markings. Pencil on paper.
Another one of Fetch's characters is Eliza, a fem skunk. I had a bit more free reign in how I was able to draw her, and being that TOS remains (in spite of, admittedly, some excellent latter-day versions) my all-time favorite Star Trek, you can guess how I rendered her. Eliza is, once again, © Eric Willette. :)
I've been drawing a few pics for a very cool pooch named Fetch. Much of the time he's a Federation fur. Here's how he looks when he's on duty. Fetch is © Eric Willette. :) (BTW you're welcome Chilly. I myself am more interested in your art. :) )
"Lawdog" A German shepherd lawdog walks his beat. ©Ocelot Studios-2000
<April 12, 2000>