<March 30, 2000>
John Gilmartin posted on yerf.binaries, some tips from his instructors on sketchbooks. They suggested eschewing the pencil, and sketching directly with inks. So... here's Asheru, tracking, and she has found something. Ink on recycled sketchpaper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
Here's a Corporate comission for a T-shirt Graphic, for a internal work team. Ink on Bristol. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
An older pic of Zenithe that I still rather like. Sometimes it feels art comes in chapters of style or skill. This one, I feel was the start of one of my art chapters. He's done in colored pencil, the wrap around blanket in marker. I think this was one of the first tries on mixing marker and pencil in the same picture. The method kinda stuck. ^.^
This kitty didn't have a personae when she was sketched. Then the coloring of the eyes came out purple. I call her Violet, for obvious reasons. She is done in pencils while her wrap around has the same, with an undertone of marker. I rarely do the 'normal' thing and put pencils over markers, though here I think it called for it. Usually I do the reverse, for me it gives a more smoothe and painted effect.
Black_Friday © his creator. Art © 2oo2 Arphalia. Ink.
Drawn for a friend's character, Captain John Talbane the pirate rabbit! Harr! Talbane © his player. Done in colored pencils with markers.
Erma Felna color sketch from the early '90s. Acrylic on board.
North Altantic Wolf Pack. Old Uboot art from the early '90s. Acrylic on board.
My hippocampus couple colored. Colors inspired by Christopher Riese Lassen.
I think we have all walked the bloody warpath of our inner selves and our own self-destruction. I am there now. Ashryn © to Beth Schultz
13 was a good year
'nother little pic for drawing class. Title, 'shadow' heh, I guess you could just look at the filename. o_o Anyway, I had no idea she could glare like that! apparently she doen't enjoy somebody snacking on her shadow. I used these characters because I thought Zud would be the only one capable of doing this. heh
Thought I'd have a go at colouring a picture on Computer again, since I haven't submitted one like this for years now. No prizes for guessing which art package used given the filters applied |) No idea who the bunny is; she just got doodled that way
I'm particularly proud of this one. Why? Cause I didn't think I could do it. Bit of a Marcello's-eye-view of the hood of a slightly damp '67 big block 'Vette. Trying to get as realistic as possible. The water droplets were the easiest part.
<March 30, 2000>