<February 19, 2000>
A try at watercolors.. Rikk Fox © Eric T.
Keti (the fennec from asword.jpg, except named and redesigned) and Foxscythe. He isn't a very happy dragon right now. I subjected this picture to experimentation with borders in Photoshop, but other than that black box around them, its mostly colored pencils with watercolor the sky. They're © me
I wish the scan woulda been better, so you could actually see her trademark nervous smirk here (darn nonscanny eyebrows), but what canya do? <:>..My American Fuzzy Lop alter ego, in good ol' country attire, looking almost, well, sweet. It won't last. Belieeeve me, it won't last. ;D..Check it out Geners, this is the paper we got today! I threatened Gene that he has to use his new paper too, and will publically embarrass him until he does so. >=D...Beatrice, aka Trixi © m'self.
"Tell me again.. WHY are we lost floating on a set of clouds?" - Zabuko
"You reading this horrificly stupid mag of yours again?..... Wha', you're on the cover this month?! Show!!" - Zabuko
Cindyvixen..A request for another picture of the cute vixen. Art©2000 by Donald L. Brown
<February 19, 2000>