<February 18, 2000>
Two Soldiers discussing something. On the Left is a Union Civil War Soldier, and on the right is a World War II G.I. Probabaly re-enactors. This is a fragmentof a Huzzah page. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
(Can you spot the pun?) Well, this is an image of myself. For my birthday, (feb 15th if you're wondering) I got some money, and decided to do what I've wanted to do for a long time: get some magic tricks and learn them! This isn't one I have (a tiny bottle turns into a huge boquet of flowers, which you are able to pull silks from) but it's up there on my list of what to get and learn next! Illusions are fun!
This is my first experiment with HB and Ebony pencil on watercolor paper. I had no idea what would come out. I really like the way the tooth of the watercolor paper grabs the graphite. I think I've just found a new favorite media for myself. This has already been transferred to another board so's I can try gouache on it.
Here is the finished gouache on watercolor paper. This is the first gouache I've shot through an airbrush but the effect is very similar to the other acrylic stuff I've done before. The nice thing about gouache is it cleans out of the airbrush better than acrylics. This toothy dragon will probably be travelling to ConFurence for sale.
Becky leaning over and looking a little befuddled. This is an early stage in the drawing, showing the body construction using 2 spheres to represent the body masses and a third for the head.
Becky leaning over and looking a little befuddled. I was curious to see how pencil shading would look on an inked image. I think it came out pretty well myself. Drawn on a piece of scrap Bristol board with a plain old HB pencil and a Rotring ArtPen for inking (I always save Bristol whenever I draw a picture which is for some reason not worth keeping or if I have a lot of offcuts. That stuff is way too expensive to just throw away).
We were somewhere outside of Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. Wait! We can't stop here...this is BAT country...
The ever swoon-enducing and beautiful Razberri as part of a whole series of drawings I've been doing for various female artists here on yerf.
<February 18, 2000>