<February 16, 2000>
Now She has a name. Her name is Asheru. Really Soft pencil (7B) on Bristol. Scott Ruggels 2/2000
Valentine for my Bear. ~Merf~
I know this wasn't uploaded sooner, but wanted to let you know, the Marshmellow ladies have invaded. Pass it on. :) BTW, Cats, they don't bite. You can calm down now. :)
Concept 1 - Here were the three main characters of our initial Ernor story as they were originally designed in 1995. They are called Ocktons and are loosely based on velociraptors with a dash of primitive culture thrown in for flavor. Vicky later took these designs and refined them to a more simple, "animation-style" design that was more adaptable to the comic book format. The coloring is based on my original marker design but has been updated with newer Photoshop rendering.
Concept 2 - Each clan of ocktons has a chief, or in this case, chieftess. You can tell males from females by the color. Male ocktons are cool in color (blues, blacks, greens) while females are warm in color (reds, yellows and oranges). Once ocktons grow suitably sized they become dangerous to their surroundings and "retire" to a single village known as the Greycrest Village where they live out their remaining years in companionship with one another.
Concept 3 - The Araku bird-creatures were early antagonists in our initial story concept which mainly stemmed from Hask's view that winged things were evil. However, if one only sits down and talks with an araku do they begin to realize that the araku culture is surprisingly similar to the ocktons. Once again, this reinforced the theme of tolerance and acceptance of exotic cultures that are prevalent in the fabric of Ernor.
A pic that's part of the image map for my web page. In regards to the DBA contest (head to my homepage for details) I'm still taking suggestions, and thanks for all those who have submitted names so far, I'm still reviewing over them. :) Keep sending the names in, though I won't use any of them (or the web graphic I posted earlier) as a part of my webpage at this moment. Btw, thanks to Jonas Silver for vector tracing and laying down the original color. ;)
An updated picture of me, from when I was in LA. I'm the short one in the blue. :P
<February 16, 2000>