<February 15, 2000>
A reindeer for Christmas. It's uploaded so late due to the fact someone posed as me and had everything deleated from this site. But I found out who it was and scared him pretty bad. :)
I hate this year. Everyone said things would be better, but they're not. Somebody in production sure slipped up this time. I'm going to write a strong letter of protest... Who's in charge of years?
BARK! Bark bark bark bark. Barkybarkybarky BARK! (Translation: Hello! May I borrow your lawnmower, neighbor??)
CRAZY AS A FOX (Strip #017): It looks like Miss Vixie Merryweather's unexpected arrival at Mr. Foxworthy's house was not anticipated by Mr. Foxworthy himself! This should be quite interesting. (© 1999, 2000 Matthew W. Peters. All rights reserved worldwide). Visit and read CRAZY AS A FOX at
CRAZY AS A FOX (Strip #018): Miss Merryweather has arrived to see Mr. Foxworthy for a possible outing on the town. Are his plans to meet up with Commissioner Lupine dashed for good? (© 1999, 2000 Matthew W. Peters. All rights reserved worldwide). Visit and read CRAZY AS A FOX at
CRAZY AS A FOX (Strip #019): It looks like Douglas may be unsuccessful at talking his way out of dating this time. But knowing Mr. Foxworthy, his clever mind will come up with a plan. (© 1999, 2000 Matthew W. Peters. All rights reserved worldwide). Visit and read CRAZY AS A FOX at
CRAZY AS A FOX (Strip #020): Mr. Foxworhty's plan seems to be currently in motion. If so, then why is Tuskworth going into his study? (© 1999, 2000 Matthew W. Peters. All rights reserved worldwide). Visit and read CRAZY AS A FOX at
Newest episode of "Chosen." I think it's obvious that Vanessa's done something that her comrades aren't too crazy about. The low-down is on my site, along with a crapload of other updates. Chosen is (C) me.
Part of my Valentine's gift to my husband. All mushy and stuff, but I'm sharing it anyway...
And here's my art of the exchange with Raven. Alaric and Enoch...scanner didn't wanna pick out Enoch too well, but if you look hard you can see the detail..somewhat =>. These two are © Raven Molisee
Exchange with Shimpskee =) floatie..heh. It's Bonzer singing his heart out. File was called you can clearly see why =). Bonzer © Shimpskee
Ashen Red...sure you've seen her before. Cara uplaoded a pic of this neato dragon :). Part of an art exchange with her...doncha hate when pencil crayons break right after sharpening? My red pc did this..maddening it is...Ashen Red © Cara Mitten.
Psyra Silverbolt; Were-Raven with one to many experiments performed on her. The result? This ugly beastie..not to mention disgusting....that is bare muscle on that blade arm of hers. One of my more detailed inked pics...well more like my only to date...and i dunno why. I rather like this pic. Psyra © to me.
Vinci! Should all know who he is neh? A bit of an old one i dug up. Vinci © Ryan Dewalt
<February 15, 2000>