<February 5, 2000>
What a difference a meal makes. Humans censored out of the pic. Because she came from an animation process, often I can 'board' little scenes of her easily. How she ate came to me as a little movie in my head. I just put it down on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2 / 2000
Thank you all for the hints and suggestions in regards to combat posing. Here is the unamed female again,with her sword and dagger, lookinglike she is beginning to think she may be outclassed. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
She has other moods.Here is the Nameless female wolf in a couple of happy moods. Pencil on paper, as are the rest of the FB series. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
Here she sits, bored and pensive at the dinner table. I have no idea what she's waiting for. Maybe lunch? Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
Here she is in a pensive mood again. Apparently people like the sketches of her, and said so at the con, so I am posting them so that those not there can geta peek in the sketchbook. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
Caribou's vapourwolf character, sketched at FC2K.
My one concession to being a fan of StarGate, about time they had some REALY bad guys :). Pencil only.
Hiya folks! Well, I've been pretty busy IRL. It was my birthday on January 20th, so I guess this is my belated birthday picture for myself - it's Emmalee as a mouse. I'm thinking of permanently changing her to a mouse because it's more like me.
You were wondering who Apollo is? Here's the hare, actually, this is how he USED to look, but since his creator is a picky, uncultured little snot (kidding!) more recent pictures are a lot more cartoony. Apollo © J. Alex McConnehey
I won't hesitate to tell you that I REALLY like this picture! Other than that little smudge on the edge of the blanket,I think it turned out really good. The ever-mysterious Erin Ruadh © me.
Um, this is sort of an inside joke, Good Twap (the cartoon version) vs. Evil Twap (a mirror image of her from another dimension) this was mainly done to practice using markers, since it was so weird I decided to post it. For some reason, the scan looks really crappy... Good Twap and Evil Twap © me.
A sketch of three of my cats, Mike (top) Mo, (middle) and Martyn (bottom).
The Snit-files...A tribute of sorts to my poor little guinea pig, Gip *sniffles* Remember, the bagels are out there!
Nameless (thus far) husky-wolf thingy... failed attempt at dodge and burn. >_<** Aw well, I'll keep trying...
<February 5, 2000>