<October 31, 1999>
Sandy sitting on a gargoyle...what fun ;P Sandy's © me
another pic I did for some video game project many moons ago... 1991, if I remember properly...
A random dogmorph that I doodled in my sketchbook.
I put up a new Macropod Madness comic. ( and I really think it's one of my best comics yet. So why put up a Thanksgiving special on Halloween? Well, just read it and see for yourself. Comic © me
Here's the first colored pic, er, scribble, I've been able to manage since my health started going foop! My hands are better so I decided to do something productive if it killed me. >:)..Unfortunately, I think I nearly killed Gene and Kevin J. at Santa Cruz yesterday...I'm sorry guys! <=< *whaps herself with a stuffed seahorse* Oh yeh, this is Tet Solfire's newest creation, the dragonfolf, which is © to him! Colored pencil an' watercolor scribbles. =/
A semi-obligatory Halloween picture, even though it's not really a traditional thing in NZ yet as in other places. I used this picture to try a technique for a more 'fur-like' texture, it doesn't seem to be too bad. What the world needs is a good 'fur' plug-in :). Anyways, Happy Halloween to all blokes and blokesses out there.
Part 3 of The Scourge, a chilling tale of horror or at least mildly amusing pratfalls. It's my part in the 1999 Webcomics Fright Night Special. For the whole story, begin at and follow the links from there. To see what other groups of cartoonists have done, visit the main Fright Night Special page at . Happy Halloween!
The penciled version of something I'll be coloring soon...I may not survive ^_~ It's all the major character from the first book in the story...and the ugly blank space at the top will have some lettering in it later. Candy says she likes soup..she just wanted you all to know that =)
If you think ONE of them is bad, then you should see them in devilish teamwork, muahah. I guess you won't believe me if I tell you they're actually good-hearted, no? LMNTmals © me, Doo.
Well it might be fall yet. But these bunnys woke up to find a winter wonderland. So it's winter fun for them :) They wish you could join them. Art©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
Dang, these things are cool. The massless blade takes a bit of getting used to, but they look great and sound even better when you get the hang of them. Mind you, you have to be real careful of your tail. OK, so I'm a SW fan from way back...
<October 31, 1999>