<October 2, 1999>
I got a pretty positive response to the mousie drawing, and I liked it alot myself, so I decided to color it. :) She's kind of nervous, and fidgiting with her paws. She's such a cutie. I should give her a name and draw more pictures of her.
General Augustus Dio, feline ruler of the "Axus Cavalry" an elite renegade group of space fighters that broke away from Dark Eternal's rule. He now scowers the spaceways with his fellow mercenaries in search of plunder. In Essence, he and his men are glorified space pirates. Prismacolor, Touched up in Adobe Photoshop 5. Copyright 1999 Lucidia Studios.
What?? She FINALLY uploaded something?!?! Amazing! An anthro lizard man. Yay!
Another female lizard with WINGS this time, YAY! Yes, it's female. So what if I'm a little original with my character ideas?? I'd like to see some more uncommon types of furries on here, and as female's too! That's usually a little more difficult. And they don't always need size 18 waist with a 36 triple D chest! o.O
My second version of Wyatt as he evolved.
Okay...I -tried- to fix the scan...I'm not sure if it worked. Oh's that comic...again.
Okay, not this little guy was the first character I created in my life. I made him for a comic strip thing that I had to do for school when I was *gasp* 5 years old. Yep. Of course he didn't look like this back then. I used to be a better artist ;) Dongo (that's his name) © me.
<October 2, 1999>