<September 9, 1999>
Runestar in a dress, might color this sometimes. I'm lazy...:P Runestar © Sabrina O'neal
It's Sushi!!!!! The catfish warrior guy!!!!!! hieeeee ya!!!!
The East-coast girls are hip; I really dig those styles they wear. Except that they make us west-coast gals look like slobs. With bad posture. :) Watercolors and the "smear" tool in ColorIt. Aww yeah.
Today's date is 9\9\99. They say that this might cause software problems. The Y2K bug calls this day 'Mini Me'. Evil Kelvin © me.
Heres an older one of my sweet FF guys, Alan, Buzz and the cat formally known as Raistlyn! Due to copywrite stuff, we had to change his name to Rastyn THEN to Merlin. I liked his origonal name better! POO! Anyway, my boys belong to me!;D
Here we go! A few other characters of the Feline Force team, Buzz and Kim. Though due to some changes with the FF staff, Buzz is no longer a kitty, but human! Oh well, I love the big goof anyway! These two are © ME!:D
This is a sketch I did to develop Reeshers character, his design is still in the works in this pic, but that necklace he's a holding is a big part of the story! Oh and that's his dear old granny dying in the bed!
It's Shelley! Don't ask me why shes all dolled up, shes more of a pants girl anyway.;) Well my art gallery is alllmost set up guys! Keep an eye out! Might even be finished tonight! YEEEA!:D You know I'm excited>:)
Yeah yeah yeah, we all hear about the New Mellennium thing everyday, and I'm sick of it! The "New Mellennium" isn't until the year 2001 A.D.! There is no Year ZERO on the calendar, so don't fall for all the MARKETING HYPE! Artwork is Copyright 1999 by John Macfarlane.
Good luck, Lilli, on your first year in college, and with your new MUCK Furry Fantasies.
Just a coffeeshop doodle... A femenine cheetah in a victorian-style dress whispering her dreams to the winds.
Another coffeeshop doodle. A quiet female fox, letting the warmth of a late summer day help to carry her mind back to summers past.
Little April looks up for attention. Part of a larger drawing I am working on. Art ©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<September 9, 1999>