<August 3, 1999>
Hysteria. Hat Full of Stars. The hit sensation of the summer. :) She's © Julie Miyamoto.
Catra an' Angel posing as Razor an' T-Bone from SWAT Kats. I like that show. Yiep. Actually, I like it mostly for the jet. I like jets. Yiep. =) And Angel doesn't really fit the "Kats" part, but that's okie.^^; Catra (C) Clio-sama, Angel (C) mememememe!!
Yes! It's...the JATO IMPALA! If you're not a fan of the Darwin Awards, you prolly won't get this, but it's a silly pic anyways. -:)
A horse trooper admonishes his squad to sit tight, ready to ambush a Cocky Jockey --- er, mecha pilot.
Here's a color version of my old Sailor Loon piece. I'll take the old B&W version down now.
This was a response to a sketch in Kjartan Arnorsson's book --- Victor Wren had done a nicely gothy goat's head, and Tanamin noted on the next page that he wasn't surprised no one had followed it up. So, stallions being stallions and challenges being challenges... -:D
Cassie, the Rock n' Roll vixen! A commissioned piece for Earl Bacon of Amherst, MA. 9x12 acrylic. I think I'll be making prints of this one. Darn scanner made it look too dark. I'll try again soon...
awww ain't it cute.
Just a small drawing I did up for fathers day that I got around to scanning for, yeah I know I'm terribly late for it..but it's the thought that counts.
This is a picture of LostProwl a Wolfox on Yiffnet who let me actually draw em, scary thought isn't it. LostProwl copyrighted his huggable self.
Seems Weazer Whitefox just keeps talking away as she "tries" to give Speck some company. Speck copyrighted Susan Quigley, Weazer is mine: who needs alot of work.
You know at times you just have to wonder why. Seems my scanner decided it didn't want to work anymore, then when that fixed my image editor dies, then download that, and find I been so busy with those things that I didn't get many drawings colored. So drew this one up...just to ask...Why?
Pacrat and Blip! Both are copyright Jennifer R.
Pen-based computers aren't used that widely, I guess... but for those who can't even get as far as Sully got with a *tablet*, they work very well, at least for me. :)
...*serious* blues... <:(
A picture of Digo Raccoon, and Kitan the Dragoness. My half of a art exchange with my friend, Digo Raccoon. I hope it turned out like he wished. Digo, and Kitan © by them. Art © 1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
My piece of resistance - the long-awaited, completely un-ballyhooed Jednorozec the unicorn. Based on a photo of a Przewalski's horse, Jed's what I've always believed a unicorn should be - scruffy, wild, and not a little ill-tempered. He doesn't use that horn to cure ailing princes. :)
Seems there's a trend in evil villaining these days - miniature clone sidekicks. Since Krishva's always on the cutting edge, she was the first on the block to come home with a shiny new Mini-Krish. Cute, ain't they? Krishva is solely the property of one Kristin Jacques, long may she wave. :) Krishva © Kristin Jacques, to put it bluntly.
He's... a sly lion. He's sashaying up to a co-conspirator to whisper things.
The final version of Malati. He's being cute with Link's hat! Aaaghh! Too cute! Someone shoot the damn thing! hehe. He's © me. Link and his hat (?) are ©Miyamoto-san and Nintendo.
<August 3, 1999>