<August 1, 1999>
Today is National Friendship Day!=) *HuGz to all!* Tried somethin' more realistic this time...thought an Angel stuffed doll might match the mood.=P Little did I know how boring the colors would be...O_o' Tried an experiment w/ light on this one...turned out funky. Newayz, have a happy National Friendship Day an' Angel's (C) moi!^^ And thanx for *the* e-mail, Catra! You know which one I'm talking about.;) *HuGz*
The Macropod Madness page is past 1000 hits now. It gets more hits than my main page, Go figure. I titled it 'lukewarm' because I am basking in the lukewarm glow of mediocrity. The pic all © my mediocre self.
Who is this rat and what does he have to do with Macropod Madness? You'll have to go to and read the comic to find out. The rat is © me
Ah, August in Texas... it's about 90 out and my A/C hasn't stopped running since I got up. Seems like the perfect time to upload my 1998 Christmas card. :)
yes... steak.
at least it's not cute and fuzzy n stuff :P
Dandy and some chick. Flying. yeah.
This is my personal-kinda fur, Hat, in a moment of confusion... err.. cleaning his glasses or something.. heh.. cruddy pencil sketch.
Here's another skunky sketch, its Erica, uh.. being Erica :)
I think Regin sometimes wonders why he bothers...=) Being impatient doesn't help, though. It's still in messy-ugly-sketch form....maybe I'll color it...later....maybe...Fox and Regin © me
It.. too hot.. to draw properly.. *pant*.. can't think.. Erf..... Iby da Gargirl © meeeee-ee-eee.
Yup, this be Ian Gold's personal furry... Ian! Yup.. And Ian is © Ian Gold, so dun nobody steal him, y'hear? ::hugs Ian::
Here is a web site banner I made for my art web page. It's for the new Furry Banner Exchange. Art by ©1999 Donald Brown.
A Red Squirrel with some attitude and ammo.. Really starting to dig colored pencil work. All characters are done with colored pencil but I cheated on the background and foreground (other than the rocks). Oh yeah, and I'm not dead.
The everdistant moody recluse himself.. Cheeseball grin an all. I was going to use this on my webpage if I ever got around to redoing it. *shrugs*
I will have my secretary get back to you on this one. :)
<August 1, 1999>