<July 28, 1999>
Bijou of the Really Amazing Super Team, plus some little fuzzy purple aliens. Some would say that the li'l purple dudes look like electrocuted "pikachus", but I maintain that they are the result of an unholy union betwixt Stupid Stupid Rat Creatures and horseshoe crabs. Bijou © me; Rat Creatures © Jeff Smith.
Another snippet from the Cecilia comic-book-in-progress. A Special Moment. Manny, Cecilia's li'l pal, is © me!
A nice late request pic; three furs of indiscriminate species (the one on the left might be a numbat) .. I didn't do much interesting with the poses, so I over-compensated with watercolors. Whee ha! All are © their players.
Lord knows I've drawn my share of Redwall Abbeymice, and Blumrich beat me to the Leibowitz mouse. Here, then, are some monastic mice brought to you by The Name of the Rose, a splendid book by Umberto Eco. Go read it now. This means you.
First of all, big thankya to Erin M.!!=) *HuGz!* The pic wuz beyond cute!!^^ I will RETALIATE!=D Now on to the picture.=P A very very happy birthday to Psyche Burke! May your sisters never make fun of you again.=) I hope this is somewhere around the lines of what you wanted.O_o' Angel's mom and Angel (C) moimoi, Kyosuke (C) his kool self!
a lovely little seahorse, the aftereffect of watching too many episodes of Gerry Anderson's "Stingray" series...
Sketches sketches everywhere, but not a drop to drink.
She doesn't roar, doesn't growl, doesn't snarl. She has no wings to rear up and clap, and she doesn't breathe fire, either. But it doesn't take a genius to tell when Mkiluwa is ticked. Unfortunately, *this* particular genius forgot to draw her ruff-web-cheek things in. Nnnh.
An anthropomorphized interpretation of a dreaded and most loathful concept. :)
A pic for Destiny wolf. This is officially the LAST request pic I'm taking for the summer. That doesn't mean that if you pay me it'll make me do a pic for you. I'm going to be waaaaay too busy, and I just have to quit. I'll be putting that up on my website, too, for those who don't check this often. Hopefully, I won't get any request emails, 'coz I'll have to turn them down.
A bunch of Flame sketchies. I was bored.
Limpidity #338: Hard-pressed
Limpidity #339: The Gymnast
Eh... a short-thighed, long-footed, big-winged gryphon (griffin, etc...) named Zach... if this gryphon looks like anyone else's, lemme know.. my hand is tired...
<July 28, 1999>