<July 21, 1999>
Done one night outta boredom.. Roxanne is © me, Enrik, that brown/black tree kangaroo is © mine, and Kirana is © Emily ^_^
Happy birthday Kain! Jen Aside has a little present for ya. ;) Kain is © Eric "Birthday Boy" Goodwin and Jen Aside is © Julie "likes the Birthday Boy" Miyamoto. :)
Up 'till 5 am working on this 'cause I was suffering from insomnia. Gah. Ahh well. This is Streex, looking quite fashionable (among other things) in her bikini, at the beach. Yah, but I still think MoRBiD would beat her in a contest. ^.- Yah, who am I kidding, huh? Streex always © me. Ya hear? ALWAYS.
There is beauty in there somewhere. You tell me.
I know you must be asking yourself, "what's HIS problem?" Well, if you must know, my parents tried to stuff me and mount me on their mantle. Needless to say, I was a little peevish, especially after they tried to pull my brains out with a hook. Anyway, I like iced-cream. Do you?
I threatened Lysozyme i'd draw his skunky 'Viddy' a long time ago... I actually got around to finishing something :) Its his skunky uh, in a swimsuit. heh... ohwell.. bleah.. :)
Flicking through a couple of animation books and drawing books, I thought I'd try and get some expressions down. Here's the first set...
... and here's the second set. Some of them didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, but others did so I'm putting the set up. Rotering Artpen on scrap laser printer paper. Pencil lines left in so you can see how I draw heads and laugh at me or whatever. Comments and suggestions are, as always, welcome, but don't expect a rapid reply cos my laptop's going in for repair tomorrow.
Slip's partner in crime, Aubrey
An new upload finally. Hooray. Just a mouse girl on rollerblades.
A cheetah nicknamed Slip
A wolf decked out ni S.W.A.T. gear
Spent way too much time on clothes...I don't like coloring all that junk. It's mind numbing >;P But that would probably explain why I drew it in the first place. Adonis Gannon thinks too much...and he's also got a weird name...but they all do, so that's okay, I guess =) © to ME
Tried a different style of computercoloring, which came out.. uh.. semi-okay. Butabouthepic: There's one furious Earth-cat casting a stone-spell at one of her brothers. It must be F, because IF someone gets even Grumpy-E that mad, it HAS to be him. LMNTmals are © meesh.
Andy the omnipotent Fox, doing something omnipotent. I STILL think that word has something to do with busses, but, oh well. This pic was requested, uh, WAY back, by Andy Fox who's © himself.
"And suddenly, as the only thing left for her was the grey, dusty ground beneath her, though strongest emotionally and in the flesh, she knew what that word REALLY meant - lonelyness. Dissolves you from the inside and slowly drives you insane." Now there's a gloomy scene. © me
Drawn by request. A young Delphinium waves as she gathers some herbs. It took awhile. But got it done. :) Delphinium © by her player. Art © 1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<July 21, 1999>