<July 20, 1999>
Man...late as usual.O_o' But happy belated bday, Calico-sama!!^^ *HuGz* Hey look, I actually made my own bkg this time.=) Yay...I think it's SO neat that Calico's exactly ONE day younger than me!! So spiffy!!=) Calico Katt (C) very sweet Jessica Ratte.
Confetti-sama sez DBZ is her fav anime, so I thought it make sense t'draw Confetti in typical DBZ battlegear.=) Come to think of it, actually, DBZ normal clothes *is* DBZ battlegear.O_o' Ah wellz.=P Confetti (C) Kristen-sama!
I have NO idea what's going on in this picture...prolly cuz I drew it while in Chem class.O_o' But hope you likes, Gen!!^^ *HuGz* Gen (C) Curl Cummons, Angel (C) meee!!
Smoke ham and worship bacon...
Sometimes you feel like hugging a giant sentient bird of prey, sometimes you don't. I felt like it last night. I love the harpy eagle. I really do.
Well, since there is a distinct lack of shrews riding long tailed weasels in the world, I felt it my duty to draw one. Why is his fur messed up? It's fall, so he's mid coat change.
Two friends at the beach building a sand castle. They argue over where to put some sand.They brought their favorite plushie animal friends too. :) A drawing requested by "Ferber" She can email me for the original picture. Art ©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<July 20, 1999>