<April 27, 1999>
Happy (belated) Birthday Kevin! As a small gift m'friend, I do up a small portrait of one of my favorite "Newshounds" characters. I see bits of myself in Ferris (except for the Tori Spelling bit). I m'self will be celebrating my 26th this coming saturday. 8) Ferris the Rat © TKDye. (more ferris cartoons! Olestra!)
It is nice to see Amy doing the disco, she loves to dance and sing :) also, this is a new version of a the first picture I made on paper when I started to draw a lot more :) Amy the Cat is copyright © Ben Rodriguez (AKA Redoxen) 99
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Been working on a special project with some friends of mine, Jesse and Jeff. This is part of an on going project with me of doing some illistrations to a story my friend Jesse wrote. This is an anime version of Jeff's character Taperlass with her katana, Hanohiryuu, and Fu (Jesse's character)'s tail wrapped around the sword.
Some neato dynamic primal beasties.
Tyranosaurus-type carnosaur with stripes.
About time I drew more Loupians. Dis one's in armor.
Certain people have been known to insinuate that I am a hippie. So be it. Free love, man!
Squirrel in mixed media. Kyoote!
I've always been fansinated by Native Americans. Did I mention I hate doing backgrounds in pencil?
Daton Stroffdane, an otter dude. Too bad he doesn't look like an otter! We won't go into that anymore. I tried doing a more..interesting pose, I sorta like the arm reaching for the arrow thing. It looks kinda cool.
Draven Silverfang requested a pic. He's a black footed ferret, which is a critter I hadn't tried to draw before. I probably shouldn't have tried anyway! I didn't want him to have anthro legs in the pic 'coz he doesn't wear pants, so I made his legs too long without thinking about it. Whoops! Oh well. Hope his player likes it anyhow!
Drew this one for a pal who was feelin' pretty down. I really like the expression on her face! I did it all with those bubbles and sketchy things (I have no idea what you call them!) that the pros use when planning out their characters...does this make sense? Anyway, it turned out really nice, IMO, so I think I'll continue to do that. I stuck this pic on a piece of paper with an excerpt from "Endless Night" off the TLK on Broadway soundtrack, all written in nice orange letters. She said she liked it. :)
FINALLY. A *good* and *recent* picture of our 4 friends, The LitterBox! Hee hee :) Me thinks this is the 3rd time of redoing it cause my stupid comp was really ticking me off...Rage's thumbs look a little crummy, but hey, he's cute, right? Vivian was suppose to be in Cal's pose, but it didn't suit Vivian, so I gave Vivian Calico's pose, and vise versa. Dexter looks Okay, sumthing wrong with him though. Like most of my pics, there are thousands to say about it, but I don't wanna bore you, so I'll just end it :) Anyhoo, Dexter anna Cali anna Rage anna Vivian are c. to me!!! YAY!
Oh look! Its a much-better-then-the-first-one group pic of the Den! YAY! Yeah, I like this pic. Sum characters, like Aly coulda been better, but it's a good pic. Anyways, I dunno what I did to gray and Hecates hair..just spoofed them up. One thing: Noah is really cute in this one! They are suppose to be size proportioned in this one, but I think noah b alittle too tall :) Anyhoo, All characters c. to Steph Ratte. Art c. to me. :)
I am happy to say I have been here 2 years as of april, 28th. So I touched up a older drawing for the occasion. :) Just two cute young furs, enjoying the day. Welcome to the new yerfers too. Many good artists have come here, since I posted my first drawing two years ago. Art ©1999 Donald Brown. (Oldrabbit)
A preview teaser poster for ConFurence XI: THE FANDOM MENACE. (see the alternate non-yerfable, black & white version at
<April 27, 1999>