<April 26, 1999>
Limpidity #317: Net Profits
Limpidity #318: Wet Floor
Gee.. sorry that I don't get around to do requested pics right now. I'm shortly before my final exams, you see. Aaaaiiii!! Oh well.. but, in the meantime, here's a senseless-yet-cute dawg-pic, © meme. o8-)
Well. This is at the same time a scribble and the best I can get at realistic, I think. o8-. Or mebbe not, I dunno. But I like how those came out. o8-) Anyways, it's an iguana (seems like Dooky helped me to draw those right..!) and a.. ratdog, or something. Both pics are © mylittleself.
<April 26, 1999>