<April 9, 1999>
Silverfox, with his book order, sent a funny letter about what to do if game show hosts get a little too fresh for their own good. And voila! Silverfox © Ed Lopategui. Thanks for the idea, there! :)
I was gonna call this one "Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Dessert", but nah. ;) Sully © Scotty Arsenault, and Eric Blumrich © himself. (It's all good fun.)
It's probably been done before but I created a little creature called a foxcoon. He's really just an experiment in coloring but I like the pic any way. He's a snuggly little guy.© me
Kelvin has been known to eat people from time to time. Kelvin © me
Maxone fights the twisted creature known as the desert merman. One of several watercolor paintings I did near the end of highschool. © me )Warning, blood)
My part of an art exchange for Kelvin the Lion(quarter-half,actually,but I'll explain later).Mmmmmmmmmm.......MEEEAT...Meatbunny(C)Chris Farrington
Wow! I can't believe it -- my scanner WORKED! Here's Memory, fully colored...and geez, did this take me forever. I think it turned out pretty well, neh? :)
This is Memory, a Clerk. She should be popping up sometimes post TW along with six others, one of which I already posted a fair bit ago. This is just the pencil sketch; I needed proof before I destroyed it with prismacolors (which my scanner does not like :P). She started out as a snowy don't know what she is now. Memory (C) me.
A sample card for a game I'm working on with Kensan (of FurryMuck). It's called "Domination", and is about a furry-populated universe with ten major factions (plus a small but dangerous human faction) fighting to see who will rule the galaxy.
"Ah came here ta kick tail an' chew bubblegum --- an' I still got lotsa gum!"
She looks kind of confuzzled, doesn't she? Wonder why...
Okay, okay, so it's a REALLY old joke! It's a really old pic. Just haven't gotten around to uploading it 'til now.
Roy Calbeck and a friend visit a local firing range to practice self-defense skills. The good-looking uni is by Mike-Scott McMurry, not me. -:)
This one was drawn 1cm x 3cm. Now it's bigger than it should be and coloured funny.
All Hail the Chicken! *inside joke* Tela-san and Oni -c- them chicken obsessed selves
Here is the standard winged canid, redone, and it shall be redone again: in color and with a cub flying at her side
Beauty & Bliss (Microns, April '99)
Renata is not a nosehound, but she's © Thomas K. Dye.
Caterwaul at 2K5, an Autobot Lynx who transforms into a tape. Nice overly cute sketch I inked at work. Hopefully his owner will see him here since I haven't seen him around lately, oh yeah, imagine him pastel pink or purple with blue optics. >:)
Character done for Sanguine ( © Sanguine)...Anton D'Avoirdupois (Aye! What a name! >;P) Not happy with the picture :/
Ahh, yes. The bluebird... Ever been awakened at five in the morning by onna those?? -_- oy... "More Birds on Yerf" Bluebird ©me... yadda yadda..
Y'know, a few months back, everyone went on a rampage, drawing Chandra Odom's (Hi Chan! :waves:) char Isis... well, lets start a new revolution, shall we? (luvs Magic Wand in PShop) Vira © the multitalented Chandra Odooooom!!
Caterwaul at 2K5, an Autobot Lynx who transforms into a tape. Nice overly cute sketch I inked at work. Hopefully his owner will see him here since I haven't seen him around lately, oh yeah, imagine him pastel pink or purple with blue optics. >:)
There seems to be a lot of confusion on just what a Shivae *ME* is. Well, here's a Northern relative, out where it's cold. They get a lot longer coats and are usually lighter and autumy type colors, golds, browns and earthy tones. Usually wings and feathers and fur, just like me! *Only not as thick.*
<April 9, 1999>