<April 8, 1999>
I love transformation! Here's a girl who's transforming into a cow. (moo) Anybody thirsty? Hehe. This is before her bones start to change shape and she is forced on all fours.
Last powersuit people! This is Dalefnia and dang, I drew her legs wrong. Can't let that happen again. (Well I drew it a long time ago and I've improved alot since then.) She's © me. Pronounce her name Doll-Ef-Nee-A.
I went back and reworked the background on this one so now it doesn't look so fractal. I also changed the fans from red to green. I think I like the pic much better now. © me
Sure, I like the way it tastes too but blue jello has got to be the most entrancing snack to look at. Mmmmmmm, shiny and transperant and sweet and and and BLUE! It's like edible saphires. Kelvin © me. I want some jello.
"That's an interesting design on your back there,Altarboy. Seems to me that we crucify a small child right there on your shoulders."-Drip,Bruce the Duck comic issue#4(Hey,if the idea works,draw it I always say...)Altarskunk(pray I no get sued for this)(C)Joe Kennedy;quote based of the comic that's(C)David Hopkins
Predator Hawk,sowing his El Supermodel-o Bird-o threads...and baby,I did this *MY* way!P.Hawk(C)Archie/SEGA.Part 1 of (I don't know yet) of the International Furs sketch series(ALL HOT MALE FURS,ALL THE TIME ^_^)
Prince Elias Acorn...WAITAMINUTE!***ELIAS***?!?*gets a-GOOD-look* know your in trouble when your rendering of someone else's character turns out (pick your adjetive:sexier,hotter,more gorgeous,etc.)than the original.MAYBE I'm patting myself in the back or something but-I CAN'T HELP IT!!I ***LOVE***this pic *drooooool!*HELLOOOOOO,ACORN!Prince Eli(C)Archie/SEGA.Part 2 of (I still don't know yet) of the International Furs sketch series(ALL HOT MALE FURS,ALL THE TIME ^_^)
I drempt I was a badger two nights ago, so I decided to make a badger character... So here he is. His name is Turpy. I like badgers now!
Originally done for the Xanadu fanzine "Everchanging Palace", this piece shows Empress Isadora (from "Xanadu:2000") fending off some assailant, her back to an as-yet-unopened emergency exit.
Whee! Just sold this piece at CF10 --- an equine marine scout investigates a recaptured civilian liner's docking area during mop-up operations.
An early experiment in drawing ducks. I wanted to do something different, so here we see Quackius Ignoramus, a centuwion and weading wepwesentative of Impewial Wome.
Something I did for Rowrbrazzle recently, when they wanted morphic self-portraits of members. This is my already-infamous-in-some-circles "John Denver Lookalike" piece. What makes it worse is I can actually sing "Rocky Mountain High" with feeling.
Hey! Someone likes my stuff --- this piece also sold at CF10! Happyuni, happyuni! -:D Um, anyways, this is a knight mare (sorry) leading her troops into battle. As opposed to just standing there on one hoof and screaming a lot. Which is also fun.
Oh no! It's Toast! A badly done picture of a very nice and silly mouse from Furry Muck. C) his player, blah blah
Rock the Casbah! It's the PacRat herself! Or Jennifer Rodriguez's character in layman's terms. Picture © me, PacRat © she.
Well, heres a request pic (yay?) :) Miss CJade was nice enough to ask, and i was sober enough to draw it.. err.. uh.. nevermind.. :) Anyway, i've never really drawn cheetahs so dont laugh too hard..
A little foxy stalking a pizza. Was intended as a sorta-commission, but someone just couldn't keep their acid tongue in their mouth, so now it's for public perusal on Yerf.
A birthday card I made for one of my bestest friends. She likes deer and Victorian things, so I tried drawing a Victorian deer. Unfortunately, I don't have very many Prisma markers, so I couldn't do anything really inventive with the dress, but I think it turned out kinda neat! Sorta like a stained glass window, huh? :) Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, (I find it rather difficult, myself..) she's holding a nice teacup and saucer. (Maybe I shouldn't have told you that, 'coz now y'all can laugh at my puny attempt at prop drawing..*sigh*.)
Hey, what's this? Insanity strikes back! Guess who drew this! Erin? Me? Ya, we both did! Our second teampic, it is! o8-D (The other one is in Erin's yerfish gallery, go look!) FUN!! (grins) Kit Kat is hers and Doo Doggy is mine, don't ya forget that, they've both got mallets! o8-]
"I'm so happyyyyy.. I'm floating on Cloud 9..." Hey look! I finally learned howta use that nifty little Magic Wand command in PShop! Yesss! Prang colored pencils (ick.. I need Prismacolors..) and neat-o cloud backie with Speck © Me! haha...
Now that spring is here.(for some of us)Cindy is out trying to learn golf. I don't think I will get in her way. :) Bunnykids Series © 1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
A really bad scan of an unrefined version of another of my characters...the infamous FiffleMaus; inked and finished in marker
Pencil sketch of one of my gunner bunnies....this one seeming a bit testy today...
Here's a badge I did for Dante. Watercolor.
<April 8, 1999>