<April 3, 1999>
A bunny by the name of Gracie. She's not actually the Easter Bunny, she's just playing the part. :) Happy Easter!
Today is APRIL 3rd, and y'all know what that means! Here's wishing a very happy birthday to PacRat (looking way way too cute here), who gets massive "mad props" and all because she's got the same birthday as moi :) That and she's a great artist... PacRat © Jen Rodriguez, me © me! (that thing passing for a cake there is just a big ol' bowl of Cadbury's Mini-Eggs, the very best thing about easter. Yum!)
Commission pic for OffCentaur- happy springtime skunky lass, all sunshiney and picking flowers and things :) Ink and watercolors on Bristol, baby!
Behold! A bagel cult sacrificial ritual. They kidnap people off the streets and force them into the cult. This is what happens to those who refuse to join. They are sacrificed to the great bagel. But since the mystic pretzel appeared they've been sacrificing some of their own members too. Where could this all lead? If anyone else wants to build off of this you're free to do so. I never thought about it before but I guess the cult is © me. They sure aint gett'n any prettier. Don't bother trying to translate the chants. It can't be done.
I like the idea of combining surrealism and furry art, just as long as it's weird and creepy of course. The weird and creepy pic © me
MUYO:(Japanese)You don't need it, no need for. Here's a little rabbit who's almost as forgetful as I am. I mean look, I'm about to forget to say that the pic is © me!
The latest addition to WalksFar's con badge collection, commissioned for Confurence 10. WalksFar © Gary L. Bell.
Fangs... siting on a fence... not doing much... as usual.
"Who?.. oh! Sully.. I thought they said Sc.." Ahem... any resemblance to well know TV characters is obviously purely coincidental, and the © of such TV characters remains the property of the creators thereof.. :o)
It's everybodies favorite Lopp, Trixi. I hope I got the colors close enough :o) Trixi is © to her player/user.
This is a reworking of part of a larger image I have on Yerf.. I used several digital techniques after starting from a simple marker pen image I scanned in. This image is at dimensions suitable for a desktop image, which is what I use it for.. its the eyes you see, I cant stop looking at the eyes... !
Tis Mishii-san, and nothing more. ^.^ I'm working on a better version of this ... Missy (C) Sara H-san ^.^
Watch as I amaze you all with weird inside jokes! Here's something I owe mah sista, JP. I hope she sees this before she leaves today.. >:) Love ya, sis!! (BTW, happy b-day everyone who's had/having a b-day! I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures done.. blasted drawer's block.. ;.; I'll try toget some up!) [Image reuploaded for smaller image size.. gomen! ^^;;]
I'm late, as usual. I even forgot to draw Shades' shades. 8-p Lookie! Birdz!!
"Lenny Landforster" strip #3
Now that I've figured out WHO I AM!!! Silvia C'lan, aka, Silver. This is a character sheet I'll be following for Black and White II, which I just started up *facepalms* I almost started it on April 1st, big no-no, expect more as I practice and develop my black and white skills! Oh, and Silver will also be appearing in RTDII >:)
A char I created with my best friend in mind...(no, this doesn't look a think like her, but she loves chartreuse, so...) I just...had this urge to draw a fur with wild coloured headfur, and since Kelly Hamilton already has one with blue headfur (my favorite colour) I decided not to copy her, so green it is! Interesting looking gal, isn't she? Her name's Bianca D'lila Medici. Say hello, Bianca! ;)
Tycho, the wizard rat...guy. © Sanguine...another one of those character design thingies. Only seven more to go ^_^
Another pict for Garber's website. A full bodied and less "Psycho" version.
Sort of a new character of mine. Always kinda dug rams. Tough-looking ya know. He seems to be bleeding a bit there...
Ever wonder why Windows crashes so much? It's because your foot's on the keyboard!! Sheesh...
<April 3, 1999>