<January 26, 1999>
MWAHAHA! I accept your challenge, Kelvin! Here's Karma in about as evil of a outlook as I can draw her without making her into a high school math teacher. And that thing in Karma's hand....could that be dear, sweet, innocent little Twilight? Nah...couldn't be! But...then again....AHHHHH!!!! RUN!! RUN!!!
Remember Karma's squirtle? (see kp_sqrtle.jpg). Squirtle makes a new friend who just LOVES elmo. Play nice you two. >=D
Based on a short RPing session with Max in which Karma owned an irate squirtle that didn't care for having his tail pulled. *shrug* I don't know either, folks.
Cecilia sells sea shells by the seahore..say that ten times fast :) Well, she's selling something, tho it ain't seashells. Part of an image for my soon-to-be updated webpage!
Wenstan! An experimental sort of playing-with-watercolors pic. If I ever get around to printing up the Wenstan comics, one of the covers would probably look kinda like this. Wen © me!
A black and green dragon, conjured up from the depths of my darkest imagination. This bugger took me a week to color... out of laziness.
Cuz I do remember owing the very sweet Cyber da Hare at least one pic.=) Here's her char sitting in da grass, looking at da pretty butterfly w/ da innocent face.=) Hopes ya likes Cyber!=^.^= *HuGz* Sorries it tooks so long.=) Cyber (C) her very very kool self!=) Btw, Hedgy an' Ashryn, thankee lotta for pics, I shall do retaliation soon, I promise promise!=^.^= *HuGz*
Today I was told my art rocks! Here's a comic that certainly does. Phiro and Jiggy © me
Page 2 of The Magic of Music. As you read this, try to imagine what you think the music would sound like in each panel. Same © info as before
Oh man, that's alot of dough! I don't know where Meat Bunny got all this cold hard cash but I think I know what he's going to spend it on. The fuzzy bunny © me
I drew this and sent it to Artieroo, then I told him that he gets to write the diologue. What you see here is his actual chosen diologue. Artieroo is © Miguel Estrugo. Orange is © me.
Orange and a very annoyed Hysteria. Yes, Orange loves to hug. She especially loves to hug anything kawaii. Hysteria © Julie Miyamoto. That sugar fueled kangaroo is © me.
Wintergreen has been invited to a come-as-an-anime-character party! But how is she supposed to bring off that effect, huh?
Ajax Spry, the foxger wanderer warrior. Pencil b&w.
Kemonono hime. (ouch)
Someone requested a picture of here it is ^_^ (with a little added scenario, of course) Hope it's something along the lines of what you expected =) And to everyone who asked for a picture--Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about anyone!!...just running a little behind...
A pic of the musican trio Marcy Jericko, Macky Hayes and Mandy Bastiane, requested and © Serg Discua!
<January 26, 1999>