<January 25, 1999>
More nifty Photoshop tricks! Sorry for the delay with *new* pics and requests, but I dont have a scanner. ::sigh:: Hope yous like! Princess Stardust ©me
BOING BOING BOING "What are these things?" BOING BOING BOING "They're so cute yet annoying" BOING BOING BOING pic (C) me
This is a portrait of the guy who runs the action to action meetings where we meet to discuss the fine art of comic books. Believe it or not this is no exageration. I got him from the piece of rope right down to the chicken slippers. I guess you have to be a little strange to be a comic book artist.
Gene Catlow has an evil twin. Well, I have a split personality here. This is evil Kelvin. He was last seen drawing foodchain comics. He is armed with scalpels and exacto knives and is considered very dangerous. Hey, I challenge all you other artists to draw your characters evil! There could be many attempts to take over the world very soon. (insert evil laugh here) Evil Kelvin © me.
This is my good side. He enjoys drawing kangaroo comics and fluff dragons and does commission exchanges with other artists. Kelvin is © me. Watch out. I have an evil side too.
BEHOLD! the power of the icon! This is way to deep a subject to explain in a mere picture description. Kelvin © me
Commission picture for Gary Thieme. It's a remake of my character Jasmine. Gary suggested the characters pose. But let me decide the rest. Some of these commission pictures are great. They help me get rid of artist block. : )
Alpha Dingo, who is apparently in competition with Kendall for the coveted "Most Drawn Furry" award, travels along the outback by the cool of night, stopping to chat with an unnamed local sugar glider. The background is based on a photo of Simpson's Gap somewhere in Australia, just to make it seem authentic or something.
Here is the baby fire lizard in unnatural RGB. Time and again folks ask me if I know Photoshop. Well I hope my resume isn't lying....
Limpidity #297: The Phones
Limpidity #298: The Sweet Nothings
Just a full color pic of Sinyx, in a rather tempermental mood...finished in colored pencil and gouche.
<January 25, 1999>