<January 18, 1999>
This pic was inked entirly with sable brush. I'm practicing, you can tell since it's not that good of a job. But anywho, the speech bubble is done in Rapidographs. I'll bet that everyone, that is... EVERYONE has wanted to do this when they get their box of chocolate bars.
This is Sox and Schooze in my new strip "The Color of a Mirror." They're doing something that I've always wanted to do.
I decide to go for the great quality on this pic. If you even do the slightest JPEG compression, the colored parts look like splats of colored mud (although that would be pretty cool). So see it as good quality and long download or don't see it at all.
A giant ancient bird like creature has been let loose on Sox's world. This can't be good...
This is the first pic that I completly inked with my Rapidograph pens. It's the little title for my strip. It pretty much sums it up on how these two love to make fun of the stupidest things. I think the fact that they think it's funny makes it funny.
It was during the art auction that Geners found out that CatsWhisker couldn't make it to FurCon. I'd never seen anyone so dejected. Trixi gave him a consolatory hug. Me? I drew this. I truly hope that we can all see CatsWhisker soon... she's as elusive as Robert Denby. ;) CatsWhisker © Tawana Gilroy, Gene Catlow © Albert Temple, Trixi © Candy L.
It's voodoo girl valeigha and her horde of minions. She wants quiet time to study. They want dinner. They're from Macropod Madness, a comic I do. Find it at they're © me
So now those two giant sloths are selling the jars, and to help show that these are prehistoric times you see a mammoth too. Those guys are still © me
This will be on the front page of my website when I complete it. I'm teaching myself to use prismacolor markers. Kelvin ©me
Here's a species that hasn't appeared on Yerf before, (or anywhere else as far as I know.) Giant sloths are extinct and not too many people know about them. I don't know what's in the jars but Legend of Zelda springs to mind. They're © me
I drew this one for Albert Temple and I hope he'll forgive me for the obvious pun. Kuronoi ©me. Active kid ©Albert Temple
Dratini Dragonair and Dragonite,OH MY!
Erin Middendorf's Chespi!
My sister. she's odd.
Jaquel's picture of Edward Lizardhands reminded me of another old character. The Komodo'll end up in a comic, if I ever manage to flesh it out, anymore. He's a grouchy-looking fellow, and despite the fact there's no flesh on his tail, he can still move it. In the meantime, Jaquel.. how's "Tourniquet" sound as a name for your claw-lizard? He's got the sharp bits, and he's got the blood-restricting buckles and straps going on there. Pardon the ramble. The Komodo is © myself.
This one of the characters I role-play on a strictly role-play muck whose name isn't important. This is Witchdoctor Zhu Ye Qing, of the Higher Institute of Sorcery and the Supernatural. (H.I.S.S.) I know the hat makes him look like a big pale mushroom. :P I've been working with this character for a while, and I'm not thrilled with this second incarnation, but I'll keep refining. He's © myself, I suppose.
A long over-due commision/request. Color pencil. Character copy-write David Friedenberg
This is a real early Valentine's Day picture. Seems that now that Merry's moved in with Kat, Syl and Donotsue, there's going to be a bit more competition. Will Kat become the Ex From Hell? :) [Merry Husky © the illustrious Ken Singshow. Syl n' Kat © me me.]
Well, wouldn't you be miffed if someone tied a ribbon around your tail? Especially when it clashes with your favorite shirt like that? =)
Another one of my earlier works, experimenting with lighting. Done as a commission, Reyna is copyright by her player.
Later, I got this black ink pen, and this was one of the first sketches I inked. The black lines and grey spots really work, I think. Done as a exchange picture, Lindgold is copyright by his player.
Just a quiet rendering of Starset for the birthday of a most wonderfully talented artist. I hope you had a nice birthday, Emilie. :) (I just got home from FurCon, and a whole lot went on *there*...)
Somehow, Bree and Radha got mysteriously deleted from Yerf (as I said) so this is Bree's bust again, being reup-loaded. I know it wasn't Sully's doin' because I never got a letter about it. Grrr... computers piss me off bigtime. Bree's bust (and hey, all the rest of her) © me
The only bust I decided to keep up from the origional like, seven I did. This one is obviously the best, and I'm quite proud of it. Radha's fun to draw... wheeee... Radha © me
Angie Armitage © Chris LaFollette Thanks for that beautiful drawing of Cassy! ^_^ Here's my end of the bargain...(I know she -normally- doesn't have an eyepatch, but I used of one Chris's pictures as a reference...I hope that's somewhat accurate) =)
Yesh, I can draw pencil, too. o8-}
Poor little Moondog, just sitting and contemplating life in this big old world. He's another of my characters who should be finding himself in a comic format soon enough if I can manage to find the time...
<January 18, 1999>