<January 13, 1999>
Happy Birthday Kellyfur! Here's Kellyfur, Kelly Hamilton's fursona, looking somewhat less than thrilled at her surprise party. I hope your real birthday is more fun. :)
Shadow Mage & Samurai, Grym idly shows off wisps of a shadow creature. Great sword backup. ;) Also "The Most Frustrating Pic." *grump* I don't much like it, but thought I'd let you guys use it to offer tips for next time I try my own character. Help? Grym © me.
This is the final picture from my new Photoshop tutorial (plug plug plug) which can be found at
Alpha Dingo! © her player! :)
That's right -- Gene and I witnessed a great furry reunion yesterday afternoon. I drew several pictures about it, but none of them matched my first one of Haley and Timebase, so here it is. Haley © C. L. and Timebase is © R. D. :)
Merry and Karabiner, before get operated. Karabiner © Nobuhiko Abe
I am SERIOUSLY proud of this pic.....I did it from scratch.... I love it and I hope Tracy does to :) Cassy © Tracy Butler
Story time! My proff scolded me for drawing in class Monday, telling me that this was HIS time. So, today I broke out the pastels in front of him and did this during his lecture. I figured if he were going to get after me for drawing, I might as well make it worth while. To my surprise, he laughed and told me to continue. By the way, I took good notes, and aced the quiz at the end. I ought to bring my watercolors next time.
The Folf. The Lop. The Hugs Non-Stop. :) There is practically nothing in the world that makes me happier than seeing people who deserve happiness finally recieve it. I had the honor of taking the Trixibun to the airport to meet her folf. Kevin J. was with us too, which makes it the first RL meeting of the Fearsome Foursome. :)
<January 13, 1999>