<December 11, 1998>
This is my colored version of Eric! I just got photoshop 5.. and i still dont know what im doing.. but I airbrushed it myself!! :) I'll fix it up as i get used to the progie! Eric © Eric
Two furries who I met too briefly during ConFurence 9: Lyon Castro and Gene Catlow. I talked to each of them for about one minute before we went our ways and I didn't see them again. You can see how long it takes me from the original idea to the actual picture .... I always give my victims some lead before the general public, so this was e-mailed first. Happy birthday, again, purrs and fluffs!
Here's proof that Random has his romantic side... here he is with his love, Akasha... this shows to go ya that two fully-clothed characters can generate more heat and passion than a mountain of tacky, impersonal smut. It's all rubbish, I say! Bring back romance! Random and Akasha are © their players, of course...
After months of sulking (and apparently, a bit of overeating), Amilia Earhart Frankfort has been sighted. Staring skyward, probably wondering what her parents gave her the name AM[E]LIA EARHART Frankfort for. Apparently, they had a plan for something better...
Why, Kit! [E. Middendorf's]Kit got a face transplant! Uh--what?! You were walkin' through a microwave oven without your handy-dandy lotion? Hm??? Ooooooh! It's an African maaaask!awkay kIT CRGHT eRIN mIDDENDORF (that the last name?)
A recent guest to Honeybadger's burrow. Looks interesting.
I don't have to have to have a reason do I? oh by the way.....VIVA LA 2000!!!!! HA HA HA HA...ha yeah so there. :P Erin © Erynne Waltman
I drew this about two months ago and I finaly got it finished. according to the writeing on the wall Angies somewhere she does not want to be. angie © me
I got this Idea while surfing yerf and I had to do it I hope you don't mind Rebecca EVA & Jaquel © Rebecca Marsh
A pic of Peganthyrus of FurryMUCK, giving Ravenscroft the ride of her life! Ravenscroft is copyright Paul Defenbaugh, Peggy is copyright her mysterious player who doesn't like her RL name mentioned. <grin>
A pic of Perky of FurryMUCK. Perky is copyright her player.
Some little furs playing in the dirt. My late entry for Captain Packrat's portfolio.
My idea of what will happen when Trixi meets Tet at FurCon. <grin> Trixi is copyright Candy L, Tet is copyright Ryan D, the smashed bearing wall is copyright Acme Breakaway Toon Walls Inc. "Guaranteed to leave an impression!"
What a "foul" little mouth!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!!!! Just click the darn image.
unci's birthday is today! Man, feline parents must've really liked each other back in March! :) unci sent me a nice pic in my e-mail today too. In all the pics I've seen of him, he seems to have a gently quizzical expression, so I tried that here. :) Scritchies n purrs to ya, snowmeow... :)
I don't know if I'll do this again, since one of my *very* few critics says such pics are pretentious. (Besides, with all the capable young artists on Yerf now, numbers like this probably won't be a big deal in the future.) But the serendipidy of this happening on my birthday was too delightful to pass up. So this ol' alley cat will indulge himself. My *500th* Yerf pic. :) Anybody I forgot, I didn't mean to. Yerf rules, and so do you all. :)
Quinn and her brand new cybernetic arm!!!.... so much for foreshadowing. This will happen later in the Noel-Quinn stories... which reminds me: the newest N-Q story is up on my site now. Hurry, hurry, before the newness wears off!!! Quinn and her metal arm © me
Tess scrambles to get away from a rather angry Astaroth...and Dustin's in there too somewheres :) I drew it in chemistry lab while my professor peered over my shoulder...I guess drawing wasn't in the syllabus. Oh yeah! I'm going to SCAD to show them my portfolio...wish me luck! someone?..please? Gah...I hate liberal arts.
Here is a Commision work I just did on a Pegasus of a different breed,and color. It's the first time I did a pegasus. I do hope Rene' likes it.. Ivie ©Rene' Goodrich.. Art ©1998 By Donald Brown (Oldrabbit)
<December 11, 1998>