<December 5, 1998>
My first comic strip. Blaming of the Shrew #1. With the now anatomically correct Snoo (pointy nose) and his newly wed wife, Jenny Shrew. A new strip about every 1 to 2 months, but they will get more frequent as I get better at this. Really had to shrink this down to meet size requirments, smaller text is a bit hard to read, so I will eventually put the full size versions in my web space. Snoo and Jenny Shrew ©1998 Keith Belcher.
IronClaw, black kzinti of FurryMUCK, drawn by request of a certain lioness. My first computer-coloured picture, following instructions from Todd Sutherland (thanks!). See also George Eddy's pictures of IronClaw on the same server. By the way, my birthday is on 11th December, just so you know if you're bored and inclined to try a snow leopard ....
Kit! Sorta being leapy. Must be auditioning for an 80's Juicy Fruit ad. Kit © Erin Middendorf. :)
Coming December 26.... David Hopkins' RTD. Even the news can't escape it! Pepe is © David.
For Satori. My part of an art exhange. Hope you like it, Satori. :)
Another character I should be thwacked on my drawing hand for not having drawn before now. Isis holds a strange glowing sphere before you... what is it? Will it reveal to you the eternal secrets of the universe itself? Or is it a curse that will merrily (and painfully) shred your soul into paper dolls for the eons you are now doomed to spend with it? Dunno... But Isis is © Chandra Odom, that I *do* know.
I *really* should be sorry for not having done so ebullient a character as Kit long before this. Such potential. :) Here he is just as dapper as anything! He's © Erin the M. BTW, a BIG congrats to Dante on countdown to parenthood! As for a possible furry name for the baby, my pun-instincts keep urging me to suggest "Infant Dante=Infante! What else? :)" but I won't...
If you saw Canuss' pic of me on my job, you know what I do. But a lot of my job is waiting for other people to do THEIR job. At such times I often work on my art (I have an old pen-based portable). But tonight, much as Kevin J. was a while back, I was possesed by the urge to draw not only other artist char's, but char's I hadn't drawn before!! So here is Sarria, her keen lupine ears keyed in on something important! She's © sturdy Suzanne Hudson. Shame on me for taking so long to draw her...
Another fur I should have drawn a while ago. What a unique coloration Satori has... the yellow and blue sorta reminds me of the colors Maxfield Parrish used. So here's Satori in a kind of M-P type pose. The long-tailed lapine is © Carolyn Weber :)
I stayed up late ('Army of Darkness' was on...heehee ^_^) and I just finished painting this...but I'm not sure I like it :P Luna doing gypsy-type stuff I guess. :)
Max! I was bored again in chemistry. I used him alot in the past for library posters and stuff like that. Before he wore a tunic and baggy pants, he had the Osh-Kosh thing going ^_~
Another detail from my poster. Okay...I'll stop doing that now. I had to scan little pieces of it at a time, and I got a little carried away--but I thought this one looked kinda nifty, so I posted it :) It's Grim, Luna, Molly and Max (all copyrighted to me!) ^_^
That running person over there is Jaquel, the rather questionable tooth fairy, hehheh.. requested and © herself!
<December 5, 1998>