<December 4, 1998>
"Nekkid Fox" Naked is in the eyes of the beholder when someone (mis?)appropriates one of your favorite pieces of clothing. Kehza appearing here with permission from his creator.
Hmmm...make up a story. OK, one day in the West, there was a tornado. And...there was a child out there 50 feet from it! Batman was not in the mood to go out! But Hank here (crght Emilie Bosworth), who has nothin' faster than his horse, reprimands 'im and tells im "Git in your Batmowha'ever and SAVE THAT CHILD!" So Batman did. Howzzat? Crght on pic
This is a picture of the inventor foxbert as requested by Jul. Foxbert © Andrew Villeneuve I hope I spelled that right. If not let me know and I'll change it.
FUR: Doesn't it look better on them than on you? The colored version, wheee!
I like the dress but she turned out a bit strange but still a good drawing. One of those drawings that I come up with when being up too late.
Alright alright yes I know it's a "Star Trek" drawing. I did this for my dad who is a total Treker to the show and loves to collect stuff about it. Me I like Star Wars more but not that I don't like trek all together.
This started out a sketch of trying to illistrate a t shirt that would be able to advertise for but it floped as that and turned out as thus which looks like a teacher and a young student.
ok this is least I tryed...its the thought that counts. Badass Lucy © Anya Schwartz
Yes...its finally happend playing too many video games is bad for you....I got glasses and who better to lead me into the glass'ed masses than Coyote Nate.....hoooo boy... Nate © Nate Patrin
Its Cyber with a new systems upgrade.....I've been playing too many video games..... Cyber ©Laurel Alvizo
The Evil Go!!!! or i've been watchimg too much Dragonball Z Go © William Ruzicka NOTE* to make him more evil I put a Nixon election button on him in case your wondering what the button says
she came out west to find the sun. she lost her name but found a new one. Amy goes to school all day, but at night in the neighborhood they call her Amphetamine She is perfect in that f***ed up way that all the magazines seem to glorify these days. She lookes like a Teenage Anthem. she lookes like she used to be happy with the girl inside. She lookes so bored sometimes. she has that super pale skin and those soft green eyes. she lookes like she could be happy in a better life. ~Everclear Amy © me
My first image of my impending rugrat (slightly Yerfed)! Less than two weeks to go ... We've already got his RL name picked out. Can anyone suggest a furry name for him? (Microns, November 1998)
I ran into an old friend last weekend, who reminded me of my swashbuckling days. An Italian greyhound in Italian Renaissance clothes, capito? (Microns, November 1998)
Recently someone suggested I make my drawings "more toonier." That's not really my bag. As it happens, though, I am toying with some art to illustrate children's stories for my kid, when he gets old enough. This dapper chimneysweep is the star of the show. He's © me. (Microns, December 1998)
Uh...Xaphan appears to be explaining something to Astaroth...but Xaphan's not really the type to explain what he does...and Astaroth probably wouldn't listen anyway :) Gouache and some other stuff...
A dad and his two little bunnys. It looks like the kids like thier dad a lot. :)Bunnys Series. ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit.
<December 4, 1998>